Tag Archives: Christianity

“What If You Are The Only Jesus People See?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/07/2022

Christianity isn’t just a religious way of life, a moral standard of living, or even a fight for the greater good. The reality of Christianity is having Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, the Only Son of the Only Living God of Creation Who died in the place of each and every person’s sins passed down from the first humans through their blood line…until Jesus Christ was born with the blood line of God Almighty instead and was able to die for every single person throughout time who would simply BELIEVE. It sounds simple, but people make it so blasted hard to understand. Whether it’s due to the misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or direct misdirecting, the actual full message of Christianity through Grace by Faith isn’t presented as the Power-filled life of believers since many who claim to be believers have NO POWER by choice.

There are many groups who claim to be Christian that expect you to do all kinds of spiritual contortions that have NOTHING to do with SALVATION as stated in the Christian Holy Bible: “Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” THIS IS A FIRST STEP INTO A NEW LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST WITH HIM AS YOUR SAVIOR. Christianity asks for you to let Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit and His Living Word to begin restoring you spiritually, changing you personally to empower you supernaturally once you claim Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation.

THIS IS PERSONAL. This is the most important relationship you can have in your life since it is with the One who took your sin, knows you better than you know yourself, and wants for you to know HIM. His Spirit fills you again once you accept what He did FOR YOU, let Him take all sin you’ve done away FROM YOU, and let Him give a new life TO YOU. Salvation is instant, but LIVING your new life will take a lifetime. Justification is through Faith in Christ, and Redemption is promised. NONE of us are perfect so no matter how long a person is saved he or she will sin even if they have the best intentions to live for Christ, but His forgiveness is promised as long as you take sins to the Lord for Him to reapply His blood to your life once again for you to go forward AGAIN. AN ONGOING AGAIN!

Life is hard. Every day idiocy grates on the nerves and makes even a sane (or semi-sane) person want to destroy what is in the way of peace, joy, love, and even complete sanity. I’m writing this with tears in my eyes since I fail all the time to control my anger over things that overwhelm me when something that should be easier to handle drive me crazy! Is it possible I need to pray more, read the Bible more, and let go of things interfering with my Christian life more? YES! Is it possible the RRMS I have, though in remission, has me taking medicine that could be part of over- reactions? YES! Is it possible that approaching 50 years old with changing hormones could make me do the same? YES! Is it possible the enemy causes things to happen to turn the screws on my psyche so I fall short being a model Christian? YES!

We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We ALL have the same tainted blood due to the human fall from the Grace of God Almighty our Creator that happened by Adam and Eve. WE ALL NEED JESUS! I can’t do the things I wish I could do or NOT do the things I wish I would NOT do. I AM HUMAN… inherently undisciplined in mind and body. I’m not proud of myself, and I certainly hurt my own heart when I do the things Jesus cries over each time I fail Him. There is NO excuse. I’m still trying to live my Faith to make my Savior be thankful that He did die for me. I am His even when I mess everything up. I’m still redeemed but ONLY by Faith in what HE already did for me. I’m supposed to be learning, progressing, and growing in His Grace, and yet I falter at the worst possible moments I could at times.

Christianity is NOT something to use so you can claim to be perfect; Christianity IS the WAY to reach the ONE who IS perfect as HE then helps you to try to live your life to SHARE that He lives IN YOU by His Grace through your Faith in what He’s already done for you and ALL WHO BELIEVE HIM. We each are supposed to be a Light Shining on the hill by living for Jesus with all of our abilities in spite of our own failures. Do things seem so out of control most of the time that it can make us question why we should even try? Yes. Do some people claim to be Christian yet seem to try to hurt others? Yes. Is either okay? NO! Jesus Christ gave His life to restore yours to how yours was meant to be before you were even born. HE SAW YOU when He was on the Cross of Calvary! Accept HIM to begin Life Restoration!

“That seems a bit dramatic!” some might exclaim. What happened on the Cross was as DRAMATIC as it was TORTUROUS and HEART-BREAKING. Every time I make a mistake and sin then my heart hurts since I know Jesus bled a drop to cover it for me. “That is some nonsensical way of thinking” others might yell out. Each person has your own decisions that you need to take responsibility for doing, and NO ONE has the power to live good enough on your own to overcome the sin in your soul. “Who do you think you are to judge anyone?” more scream in outrage. I’m not. I point to the facts according to the Holy Bible that gives the argument that we ALL have sinned and need a Savior Who has given HIS FREE GIFT for you that you need to accept so HE can change you from the inside out over time.

It is an ongoing struggle to even try to live for Christ sometimes. It is NOT always sunshine and roses. There are moments of rain and thorns. I’ve been through enough storms to tell you that it’s not easy, but in the midst of the storm is when Jesus shows up to help you not sink in a wreck and even walk on some kind of spiritual water if you trust Him. I’m still trying to understand why I had the car accident a couple years ago that totaled it. I only had a couple of bruised knees, so I’m thankful, but why did it have to happen? I was in shock but didn’t have a nervous breakdown and gave out cards to the police officer, towing driver, and owner of car I rear-ended after 30 years without an accident so I still ask WHY? Did any of them come to find the Lord or find a closer walk with the Savior? I don’t know, but the possibility gives solace.

What if I was the only Jesus those people will ever see? That is a thrilling but a frightening prospect since I’m not the best I’d choose for it. How many people have I failed to reach? How many people have I turned against Jesus by some careless action? How many have I pushed away by not showing the kind of Jesus they needed to see? It shadows parts of my life with how they could have happened. All I can do now is to TRY to live more like Him so all those going forward will see HIM instead of just me. Sharing the sea-walking Galilean carpenter Savior that died for all can happen in a better way, but what if that unexpected accident, scary disease, or ongoing illness put you in a place where Jesus can use you to reach even one soul that no one else will ever be able to reach? EVERY Christian needs to REALLY consider that.

Am I glad the car accident happened? Am I glad that I have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis even if I’m in remission? Am I glad that I have to see a regular doctor, an allergy doctor, and a neurologist doctor? NO to all three, but if I have managed to show even a slight light to someone during one of those visits that reached someone for Jesus then that IS something that I’m glad about happening. I’m not a masochist so I don’t want pain, problems, or persecution, BUT if a moment of discomfort leads to an eternity in Heaven for even one person to have then it ALL will be worth it. I don’t like illness, but it’s an old thing to me since I was a child. I’ve wept sitting in the middle of a hospital bed more than once, but knowing that my Savior was right beside me singing over me has always been a comfort that I want everyone to have.

I used to be an optimist most of the time when I was younger, but if I’m honest I’m more of a realist now when it comes to everyday life. I have moments of utter joy with things I find beautiful, inspiring, and truthful, but desolation hits when the world feels like it’s falling down on me at the toughest times I’ve known. I trust people too quickly and get hurt often, but I still try to see the good a person has inside to help them get closer to Jesus to see good become a brighter light for others. It is part of my calling and the reason for my songs and books, but when others can’t understand things I try to use in a different way to do that reaching then it hurts more than anything else has in my almost 50 years. ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ isn’t something many Christians seem to take very seriously. I do and try to live by it each day.

Like I’ve said before many times, I’m NOT perfect; I’m not even close or approaching it at any speed other than a human crawl. I try to let the Lord change what He wills with music, scripture, books, research, and any media He chooses. It’s interesting what He DOES use sometimes, but there are many who wouldn’t believe it was God Almighty who does it because they try to put God Almighty in a religious box of their own making. I DON’T. I know that HE KNOWS ME. HE KNOWS WHAT REACHES ME. HE KNOWS WHAT REACHES EACH AND EVERY PERSON. That is WHY I still write what I write and sing what I sing. If one part of a book or one stanza of a song reaches them then that means I wrote it FOR THEM TO FIND HIM! Will that be many? Maybe not, but even 1 is worth it. Even 1 matters. Even 1 is enough.

I keep watching “Castle”. That series helped me to finish writing BREAKING THE SHACKLES, Book 1 of my “Rebirth of Eirinth” Christian Speculative Fantasy Novel Series. I don’t claim it’s the best book you’d ever read or if the writing is what some would want, but I tried to do something different to reach a few specific groups of what I’d hoped would be my readers based on my eclectic interests and how the book interlaced Fantasy novels, Japanese Anime series, and Christian music within the pages of the story. It has a positive purpose even if some can’t see it. It definitely has my heart throughout it, so if anyone knows me at all they should see it in the art, read it in the story, and hear it in the music. If it and TREADING THE PATH, “Rebirth of Eirinth” book 2 don’t show Jesus Christ too in some way then I failed.

When I chose ‘Tenrai Daystar’ as the name for my version of Jesus Christ in Eirinth it wasn’t done lightly. Tenrai is a Japanese word that means ‘sound of the wind, divine, beautiful poetry’ and that is how I FEEL about Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty. I knew I needed something else, and the song “Daystar Shine Down on Me” came to me when I prayed about it and sounded right when added to the first name. ALL character names were chosen for their meaning to give spiritual background and personality traits once shown through their reactions and places in the storyline. That was how I planned it and hoped readers would understand and find the one they related to the most to then find their path in this world toward Faith with their skills and abilities that God can use to show Jesus to others too. I truly hope.

If my songs and books are my ways to be the only Jesus people see then I’m thankful for what I’ve done as a teen and adult with my music and as an adult with my books even if others can’t recognize it now. I’ll have a table at the Gem City Comic Con on 07/23-24/2022 at the Dayton Convention Center for the first time. Though my book series is NOT the comic genre but written Fantasy books, they have similar artwork. Maybe someone there will be interested. I’m giving my music CD “Eirinth Breaking” with each purchase while supplies last and will be in ‘costume’, so maybe something in my multi-media project will reach out to EVEN ONE PERSON. It might seem a small return for all of my time, money, and tears, but what if THAT ONE is your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, parent, grandparent, spouse, or friend?

A Worldwide Revival is prophesied to happen BEFORE the Rapture (calling away) of the Believers in Christ as many believe happens BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. I recently read the online article at Kehilanews Community Blog under “Yeshua’s Hidden Identity Revealed on Succoth, His True Birthday” by Richard Honorof on Oct 7, 2020. He believes that Worldwide Revival will begin in Jerusalem once people there see the link that Mary (Miriam) has to the line of King David through her father AND the line of Aaronic high priesthood by Zadok through her mother. This gave Jesus Christ not only the KING line but also the HIGH PRIEST line for the final SACRIFICE HE GAVE FOR ALL OF US!

What if YOU are the ONLY JESUS people in your life SEE? What if…?

“Rosh Hashanah Rapture OR Revival Rapture!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/04/2021

I already did an Op-Ed concerning the possibility of Rosh Hashanah being the time when the Rapture or ‘spiritual evacuation of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior from each of our individual mortal bodies at the same time’ happens supernaturally once the last human soul has accepted Salvation through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ for his or her mortal sins that is in every person at birth happens in present Grace Church dispensation occurs. Rosh Hashanah happens from September 6 through September 8 in 2021, so that means Christians could leave in 2-4 more days. While this is possible, it is NOT an absolute. Some theologians have theorized when Jesus Christ told His apostles, “No man knows the day or the hour” that it was a Jewish colloquialism for Rosh Hashanah, as I’ve mentioned before.

I DON’T KNOW. I’m a born-again Christian believer in Faith through accepting the atonement given by the Blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary for humanity’s sins. The Rosh Hashanah theory could simply be a way for men feeling more in control of their destiny or a way for Satan to interfere with the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Either is possible, but I know one thing is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN – Jesus Christ WILL RETURN to supernaturally evacuate ALL of HIS believers! Some like me believe it will be BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. Some believe it will happen DURING that time. My reason why I believe before is what the Bible says about the anti-Christ that seems point out he can’t take control UNTIL the believers in Christ are REMOVED since the Holy Spirit is in each one of us.

IF this interpretation of the Holy Bible about WHEN means BEFORE the Tribulation, and IF Jesus Christ did mean for Rosh Hashanah to be THAT time, THEN I and millions to billions of people might disappear in two days! IF NOT then it means that one point of a Jewish holiday that literally is interpreted as ‘no man knows the day or the hour’ because it spans two days from sundown of one to sundown of the next was NOT meant for Christians to point to as the Rapture time. In other words, DON’T FREAK OUT! This is ONLY a possibility. Christians are ALSO told in the Holy Bible to be aware of the seasons and times to SEE what I happening, and if Afghanistan isn’t then I’m a Martian… and I’m NOT. This changed the landscape of the Middle East to be ripe for the anti-Christ to take over as a ‘man of peace’.

The song, “Maybe Today” by White Heart really DOES give Christians the RIGHT perspective about how we all SHOULD be continuing to PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST ALWAYS! I might leave here supernaturally in two days, but IF I DON’T THEN I will still be sharing my FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST until I do. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE. While even so-called scientists no longer believe in scientific absolutes, this supernatural ABSOLUTE IS INFINITE. It doesn’t change. It doesn’t waver. It doesn’t alter. It’s doesn’t bend. IT IS because HE IS I AM, like the song by Petra. All the Christian songs I have listened to since my childhood through teenage and adulthood STAND FIRM. If they spoke of Jesus Christ, His deity, His life, His death, His resurrection, His return, and His reign, THEN they STAND FIRM.

From The Imperials, Cathedrals, Inspirations, Kingsmen, Hinsons, Paynes, Rambos, Hemphills, Truth, and others in Southern Gospel to White Heart, Petra, Carman, D.C. Talk, Allies, Farrell & Farrell, Geoff Moore & the Distance, Jars of Clay, Kim Boyce, Eric Champion, Michael W. Smith, Kutless, MercyMe, Newsboys, Russ Taff, Skillet, Stryper, Hawk Nelson, Casting Crowns, Toby Mac, Disciple, and others in Contemporary Gospel or Christian Rock ALL point to Jesus Christ as being Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation as the Son aspect of our Triune God. Many have tried to silence this reality, destroy this human history, and even ban these beliefs that can CHANGE ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME. Many governments outlawed Christianity and believers still die if they believe. Are we in America still able to?

In TWO TO FOUR DAYS, we might find out IF we truly believe in what Jesus Christ said, did, and promised. Are you a ‘sitting on the pew’ kind of religious person OR are you a ‘Jesus God ahold of My Life and Won’t Let Go!” Born-Again Believer in JESUS CHRIST? Not religious. Not superstitious. Not spiritualist. Died-in-the-heart Believer! Believing Jesus Christ died for YOUR SINS gives you a Blood Transformation! What He shed is placed on your own account in Heaven’s records of humanity to read, “PAID IN FULL”! ONLY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST DOES THAT. You CAN’T earn it. You CAN’T work for it. You CAN’T mentally attain it. You CAN’T die to get it. You CAN’T do anything BUT BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR. THAT is what CHANGES your status in Heaven.

I don’t try to only live closer to God as Rosh Hashanah approaches. I try to live for Him EVERY DAY. I fail all the time since I’m still in this mortal body that still wants to sin, and my mind is the battleground of the enemy to try to make me fail to do things like what I’m writing right now. I FAIL. JESUS NEVER DOES! Like the song I adore by the old group TRUTH, “Jesus Never Fails”! You can get the 25th anniversary edition from 1997 on iTunes still or see video on YouTube put up by robbase1969 from the “KEEPER OF MY HEART” album 1982. This song is STILL so powerful by TRUTH with the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ with His Power, His Glory, His Grace, His Mercy, and His Love for ALL OF HUMANITY. ANYONE can be saved. No race, country, origin, or background required! ANYONE!!!

If NOT Rosh Hashanah in 2021 THEN we NEED a REVIVAL in 2021! With all the craziness going on around the entire world WE NEED A CHRISTIAN REVIVAL! I’ve been FREE to live as a real Christian since I was saved at 8 years old. I just turned 49 on the 1st of September in 2021, so I’ve enjoyed FREEDOM with my FAITH for MY WHOLE LIFE. China, Russia, Iran, Nigeria, and many other socialist, communist, and authoritarian countries DO NOT ALLOW CHRISTIANITY – THEY KILL CHRISTIANS! Some know this and give to groups trying to help those believers, BUT THIS should get Americans to WAKE UP! Our Democratic-Republic is being destroyed. ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE FOR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST? Many of us don’t even go to church, so could we claim Christ when facing death?

I hope I could be that brave and steadfast if seeing torture instruments to be used on me to make me deny Christ. IT COULD HAPPEN IN AMERICA! They might try taking away jobs so you can’t buy food for you or your family first, but some in our present government is trying to label any conservative viewpoint as terroristic! THAT IS INSANE, but it is being said on regular television programs RIGHT NOW! They might ban ALL of our individual social media accounts to try to silence us since many have had that happen to them already. I might lose my platforms too, but I’ll post TRUTH as long as I can. I’m a loud-mouthed, Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Child of God Almighty through my Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ as payment for my sins, so I’ll try to do what my EIRINTH Book 4 is named: “DEFY THE STORM”!

Are you ready for the storm that’s coming? If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you might face a storm unlike any you’ve had before. WHEN millions to billions of people worldwide disappear like characters in ENDGAME did, are you ready for the insanity that will descend? You might not understand or want any spiritual link with any god, but God Almighty is giving us all time to realize that what the Christian Holy Bible said would happen is RIGHT NOW. Do I think we might have a couple more years? – Maybe. Do I think Rosh Hashanah 2021 might be the time for us to be taken? – Maybe. I don’t know, but things are getting worse every day. I try to follow guidance Jesus Christ gave to His apostles in His time…WATCH. I’m watching, waiting, sharing, praying, writing, and posting.

In Matthew 24:42, Jesus Christ says, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” He repeats it in Matthew 25:13. “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” True Christians should be WATCHING! Do you SEE what’s happening? I’ll use a Scottish phrase “DO YOU KEN IT?” meaning “Do you KNOW IT?” I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW that Jesus Christ is coming back. Will it be in the next two to four days? I don’t KNOW. I simply think it’s POSSIBLE. Am I going to keep raising the alarm until He does? YES! I want as many souls as possible to know my Jesus Christ as Savior before the Rapture happens. This is THE SPIRITUAL ENDGAME! People who claim to be Christian NEED to make sure THEY ARE SAVED to reach others!

Even if it happens that we have as long as a decade, Christians still NEED A REVIVAL! We are supposed to be the radiant Bride of Christ when the Rapture happens. I DON’T SEE A RADIANT CHURCH NOW. I see the bunch of compromising or legalistic religious groups that don’t seem to even realize that WE NEED ACTUAL REVIVAL! God Almighty, help me, but I’ll even put on pantyhose and wear a dress or dress-suit if someone will BEGIN A REVIVAL! I’ll sing as much as I can until my voice gives out if SOMEONE just BEGINS A REVIVAL! There are those that are in highways and byways that we need to REACH. Why do you think I’ve been writing my novels and songs if not to reach THOSE SPECIFIC PEOPLE? That is MY CALLING. What is yours? GET BUSY TO REACH AND REVIVE!

“What To Do Before and After People Disappear Like in Marvel ENDGAME…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/23/2021

I wrote an essay titled “Aliens, Weapons, or Jesus” in 2019 for my faith website, but with what has recently happened I decided to do a new Op-Ed to be placed on all the social media links I use. The original essay is still at my faith site: https://www.tribulationhelp.com/world_thread/aliens-or-weapons/ that is still possible now in 2021 even more. This Op-Ed is meant to be a to-the-point list for what people might need to do before and after this situation occurs. It ISN’T meant to scare people but to help them to get ready for the eventuality if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. This isn’t a tactic to get you to have a religious experience that isn’t real. It is meant to help you to question reality, study history and Christianity, and prepare for what signs of the times are showing now.

Yes, I watched ENDGAME again. I can’t help but think about the chaos, fear, and despair that will be going on after the event Christians call ‘The Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ takes place. I’ve been trying to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ Who IS Savior, Lord, King, and the Only Son of God Almighty of Creation before it’s too late so as many as can will join believers in this spiritual evacuation before the Great Tribulation period begins. Even so, seeing how the people in the movie react to the losses of people they knew and loved that were still here makes my heart ache with pain. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I didn’t know what had happened, like Scott Lang in the movie didn’t know at first. It really showed a parallel in so many ways that I can’t help but relate to as how anyone still in Earth will feel.

The movie has no link to Christian faith, but there are parts of the whole movie series that I can’t help but also relate to different things concerning parts of prophecy that make me shake my head with how some things seem to have dual interpretations due to your own reading, learning, understanding, and spirituality. Regardless, when people see that millions to billions of people have disappeared like the characters in the last movie, it won’t be anything less than utter pandemonium. Once again, this is NOT to scare you into a false acceptance of Jesus Christ, but I hope to help you if a refusal of Jesus Christ as Savior keeps you from joining me in the Rapture. Do I have moments of questioning things sometimes when life gets hard and promises from God seem to not come? Yes. Is this one of those things? NO.

The fact that a secular movie showed something so close to how the Rapture might look to others being right beside a Christian when it happens still blows my mind! While other ‘End-Of-Times’ movies like the LEFT BEHIND series shows it looking differently, I can’t help but THINK about it. The main difference I think will be that Christians will KNOW they are leaving ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ and there won’t be any stunned expressions on their faces unless the person beside them were thought to have been leaving with them too. THAT would be the hard reality many people will face when it does happen since they might not have believed their friend, family member, or stranger until THAT moment. If you read this print it. When the Rapture happens, PLEASE REFER TO IT!

I’m not telling you to go buy up a bunch of stuff like what happened during the Pandemic that made people get so crazy. There are just a few things to consider when you go to do your usual marketing. Preventive actions should be taken since chaos is going to run wild right after the initial panic ebbs from not being able to find someone you know. These are some important things that really should be taken care of in general but continually done BEFORE…

1.) If you don’t already have canned or sustainable food like we get in Ohio during winter months, get and keep it.

2.) If you have medications you can’t do without, see if you can get a 90-day supply since stores could shut down.

3.) If you don’t have an Emergency radio, get one to have to keep track of weather, local, and government alerts.

I don’t know WHEN this could happen. I wrote on my other Op-Ed that it could be at any time when the last soul to be saved in the Grace Dispensation that is right now finally happens. It could be DURING Rosh Hashanah. It could be in a few YEARS. It could even be TODAY. We honestly don’t know, but when the Rapture happens and millions to billions of people disappear around the world at the same time then take these steps for safety AFTER…

1.) Immediately PRAY to ask God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ to protect you from what comes next.

2.) ACCIDENTS will happen so try to get inside somewhere safe and away from any kind of moving vehicle.

3.) ELECTRICITY will probably go out so keep batteries, flashlights, and other items needed for your survival.

COMMON SENSE is sometimes hard to come by in 2021 since teenagers and young adults haven’t been taught basics for personal or defensive care like I was taught during those ages myself. Raised in church helped me to learn the things that have lead me to the spiritual common sense for this situation as well. I READ the Christian Bible myself, not depending on preachers, pastors, teachers, or experts only. I should have taken political science as well as religious studies as major and minor, but since I had to withdraw from college due to ongoing illness my reading on my own still has done its job with personal understanding. Please don’t let academics brainwash you into accepting not only Socialism but then specific identification types that will link you to the new leader at that time who will be the demonic anti-Christ.

I’ve been a Pro-Vaccine individual for my almost 49 years. I already had and recovered from Covid-19, but I still got the 2-shot Moderna vaccine since my husband did also because he works at a local hospital. I’m beginning to wonder about the continual ‘booster’, though, since if we get too used to having mandates followed without question when it’s our own health and lives at stake it could make us become mindless drones to follow the orders no matter what, and I’m NOT okay with that. I’m a Non-Conforming Individualist, a legal American Citizen, and a Born-Again Spirit-Filled Christian who has RIGHTS. I support people getting the present Moderna vaccine to help fight getting Covid-19, but I also ask all to KEEP QUESTIONING anything else they come up with after the initial one. WE MUST KEEP OUR RIGHTS!

This might become one of the reasons for what could happen to ensure America will not be able to help Israel – another civil war in America. The fair election question, the declining citizen rights, and the possible loss of the right to bear personal arms might all contribute to this exploding. I’m hoping that won’t happen and somehow the True Church believers will have that Last Great Revival I’ve read about and studied for the past 40 years. It might still happen right BEFORE the Rapture of Christ believers who will be supernaturally evacuated. Once believers are removed the Great Tribulation begins and the revealing of the new leader that will be seen as a man of peace for the first 3-1/2 years that proves as false when he breaks his pact with Israel and Arab nations to become a world despot as ”God”.

While Christians are in a safe place receiving their crowns, precious stones, silver, and gold rewards for their service to Lord God Almighty, those on Earth will line up to worship the son of Satan, a Nephilim that might also be explained as an Alien who actually created mankind – the last Great Deception mentioned in the Christian Bible. This isn’t undocumented or unproven, but many denominations refuse to even consider that the Great Tribulation will be a reality; some even claim it already happened, but I CAN COUNT! The numbers mentioned in prophetic Bible books DON’T MATCH. It has NOT happened yet, so don’t let anyone tell you that it won’t. IT WILL as sure as I can count. Mathematics is one of MY favorite skils, so you can BET ON IT. I’m doing so with my own life right now.

What is happening in Afghanistan right now might be what happens in the United States even before the Rapture. I hope it won’t, but my heart cries already for those who will still be here after Christians are taken out. That is WHY I’m writing about this NOW. I want you to have information. I want you to accept Jesus as Savior if at all possible, but if you don’t understand now then I want to help you with how to survive what you will face. The way those Americans trapped in Afghanistan are feeling helpless now will be what you will probably feel then. Don’t give up! Jesus Christ still saves! Jesus Christ still delivers! Christians and ALL AMERICANS need to be PRAYING for God Almighty to bring ALL of our soldiers and citizens home safely! I’m praying that whoever reads will ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as Savior Now!

“Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m a sinner by birth and ask for Forgiveness by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for me on Calvary in my place. I need Your Grace, Mercy, Protection, and a Pathway. I give my life to You to use as You will to reach others as a testament to Your Love for humanity. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ I pray and also ask for rescue for ALL those in Afghanistan until they are ALL safe at home. AMEN!”

When “How Can I Not” Becomes “Why Should I” – Part 2 (03/01/2021)

By Tonja Condray Klein© 03/01/2021

One of the things that troubles me the most about the current situation with the Christian Church in 2021 is the absolute sense of complacency. While I have also been discouraged, upset, and even angry over current situations, I still seek to DO SOMETHING when I can for who needs it with what I have. I look around and see many churches seeming to sink into a sense of unimportance, trying to weather a storm that is overwhelming any fortress of worldly protection now. Where is the POWER OF GOD through His Holy Spirit in supposed believers of Jesus Christ and His shed Blood on Calvary? Where can a lost soul FIND SALVATION when churches are preaching a bunch of hackneyed platitudes that have NO SUBSTANCE and NO HOPE of doing anything for God Almighty? I’ve PERSONALLY seen the POWER OF GOD fall on Christ believers as ministers, singers, and musicians yield to an OUTPOURING of the Holy Spirit to the point of people being slain in the Spirit, healed, filled with Gifts, saved, and transformed! This is NOT a trick. This is NOT an illusion. This is NOT some plea for money. THIS IS A TRUE TOUCH OF GOD ALMIGHTY WE NEED!

When I graduated from high school I became a youth sponsor before I was even eighteen years old, but I saw the pews filled with young people, and many prayed at the alters to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit with any Gift God wanted to give to them to preach, testify, heal, mend, and lead people to the knowledge of Salvation in Jesus Christ. It wasn’t something you learned by rote. It wasn’t given as a pamphlet to memorize. It wasn’t a brainwashing exercise to get people emotionally integrated into a religious affiliation. IT IS REAL! I know because I was THERE, I experienced HIM, and I SAW what He did for anyone who sought HIM! No one can ever make me doubt it because I WAS THERE AND I KNOW JESUS AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT PERSONALLY!! Anyone who says anything else is a LIAR! I WAS THERE! I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW!!! I’ve been so blessed to have the Lord give Messages in Tongues through me and Interpretations in Tongues also through me. I pray in the Spirit every day, not because I have to but because when the Spirit touches my heart I can only praise my Jesus! This is not hysteria but Holy Fire!

In 1990, I was sure the greatest revival was going to break free and that I would probably be leaving soon. It’s now 2021, and I’m wondering WHAT HAPPENED? Did good spiritual soil get polluted by worldly comforts to tame us and false teachings to dull us? I recently listened to Andrus, Blackwood, and Company’s “Jesus, You’re So Wonderful”, R. W. Schambaugh’s “God Is God”, and DC Talk’s “Jesus Freak” and am still wondering, WHAT HAPPENED TO US? Generation-X, WHAT HAPPENED? Are ANY of you looking for Jesus? Are any of you feeling the need for MORE? Do any of you feel as useless as I do right now as we watch our country and world barreling towards Hell at an alarming rate? DO YOU!?! What else needs to happen to make us WAKE UP!?! We have failed the children of our generation, and now we’re failing our grandchildren! How many more generations do YOU want to give to Satan? HOW MANY MORE??? Do you want your grown children or grandchildren to go to Hell? Do you?!? I have my nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, and now great-great-nieces and great-great-nephews I must reach NOW!

With all that is going on, where is the need for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in any way or media we can? I’ve tried to do it with music, novels, and written or audio blogs. The NEED is there. The TRUTH is there. The HEART is there. How can anyone ignore the people who are crying out for what we already have that they need EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT? Can you even hear them anymore? Have you allowed you heart to harden against anyone who isn’t in your group or denomination? Even though I’m full-Gospel and believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, anyone who has accepted Jesus as Savior is my brother or sister. If you are hurting, Jesus Christ is right there with His Holy Spirit ready to comfort, protect, inspire, strengthen, and call you according to God Almighty’s Divine Will! You don’t have to go to any building, confess to a priest or pastor, or even join a church. YOU JUST NEED TO SEEK JESUS AND HIS SPIRIT! It really is THAT SIMPLE. Salvation is through believing Jesus Christ died for your sins and accepting Him as your Savior, then asking the Holy Spirit to overflow you with God’s Gifts. God Almighty promised it to ANY who BELIEVE!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eight. When I was thirteen I called out to the pastor that I needed to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues and was filled by praying for Jesus to use me as He would through His Gifts by His Holy Spirit overflowing me. You can do this where you are right now without even having another soul with you if you don’t know believers who have accepted this. Some refuse to believe that this Promise is still happening today and think it died out with the original apostles. IT DID NOT. Peter wrote in the book of Acts that this was for you, your children, your children’s children, and those afar off, as many as the Lord shall call.” That is NEVER ENDING until after the Church Age ends, which will include the Rapture of Christ believers that include the Messianic Jews that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior too. You don’t have to accept any of the Gifts. You don’t have to speak in tongues. You don’t have to do anything but accept Jesus as Savior to be SAVED. The Gifts are just an added benefit to help those willing to do MORE, especially in the Last Days. We are getting CLOSE.

Once again, this is not to alarm you to do something stupid like stockpile goods or riches. This is to OPEN YOUR EYES to what God Almighty in Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit wants you to be equipped with to finish ushering in the actual FINAL GREAT REVIVAL! I want to see people SAVED. I want to see people HEALED. I want to see people DELIVERED. I want to see people FILLED. I want to see people SHOUT. I want to see people SING IN THE SPIRIT. I want to see people DANCE IN THE SPIRIT. I want to see people FREED! Don’t you want Jesus Christ through His touch with the Holy Spirit to SET YOU FREE? I DO!!! Not an emotional turmoil or some pretend spiritual act. I WANT THE REAL POWER OF GOD ALMIGHT TO FALL AGAIN! I’ve felt Him. I’ve had Him flow through me as I fell out under the honest Spirit of God Almighty. No one pushed me down. I felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit RUSH over me like a mighty wave! It was liberating! It was empowering! It was soothing! It was mending! It was God Almighty able to flow through Tonja Renee Condray to restore what I was meant to be since before I was born again through Jesus Christ.

Many of the present so-called ‘churches’ who claim to be Christians don’t seem to be anything but dried up empty meetings with bagels and coffee. No Spiritual Gifts. No Biblical Teachings. No Life Changes. No Personal Growth. Just NOTHING! When you have to get a ‘consultant’ to tell you exactly what you can and can’t have in your church to get the ‘right kind’ of members then you better just STOP. If there is no REAL ANOINTING OF GOD ALMIGHTY’S HOLY SPIRIT then you have NOTHING. All the money in the world that your members give will burn one day in the crucible of God Almighty at the Judgement Seat of Christ… if you make it there and don’t end up at the White Throne Judgement. Each of us need to REALLY INSPECT OURSELF! Revival begins in the House of God! I don’t care how long you’ve been sitting in a pew or using the same hymnal, if you don’t have a LIVING relationship with Jesus Christ then YOU ARE NOT SAVED. The Gifts are a separate thing, so don’t misunderstand me. Gifts are secondary, but SALVATION is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to analyze for yourself. WE NEED TO BE SAVED FIRST!

All of this really is Christianity 101. I want the REVIVAL with the GIFTS, but SALVATION is FIRST. All the rest will fall in line once we realize that God Almighty has more for us than dried up pruned rules and boring council meetings to figure out what kind of pews to buy for comfort. WE NEED OPEN FLOORS TO LET US SHOUT! WE NEED GOSPEL MUSIC TO BREAK OUR PRIDE! WE NEED BIBLE WORDS TO PIERCE OUR HEARTS TO GAIN SALVATION THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST! WE NEED SHEETS FOR WHEN THE WOMEN GET HIT WITH THE POWER OF GOD AND FALL IN THE SPIRIT AS THEY PRAISE IN TONGUES! WE NEED THIS! One time at the church where I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we had a service where the Holy Spirit interrupted it with a message, the pastor stopped preaching, the people started shouting, and the whole congregation went around the pews shouting with joy since GOD WAS WITH US! We didn’t plan it. We didn’t interfere with it. We didn’t turn away from it. WE EMBRACED HIM THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AS OUR SAVIOR! That is God’s POWER.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to verify our Faith with believers, show the Power of God with unbelievers, and break the shackles of the world away from anything that God Almighty is doing at that time in people’s lives. THIS IS WHY. It’s not rocket science, people! It’s God Almighty Proof. People have tried to pretend it, but real believers know a fake. People have tried to sell it, but it is without price through Faith in Jesus Christ that is FREE. It doesn’t have a list of expectations, but once you accept the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He will let you know when something isn’t right, when it IS right, and when you need to just let Him be there with nothing more but His Peace. I still mess up and sin at times even though I pray in Tongues at least once a day. I’m not perfect, but that’s why I need Jesus as Savior in the first place. The Holy Spirit will reprove you if you try to wander down the wrong path, but you can keep NOT LISTENING and end up in a heap of trouble. You can always repent, turn away from what lead you off, and come back to the foot of the Cross where Jesus is always WAITING to FORGIVE and RESTORE you! PRAY AND ACCEPT HIS GIFTS TOO! ~TK~

“Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!” OP-ED 01/07/21

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/07/21

I’ve been studying a lot of odd things over the past few years that at first seemed more the “Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction Lover” part of me than the “Christian End-of-Times Salvation Writer” part of me. As things seem to be changing in direct and despairing ways, I’ve recently noticed that these two parts of me are finally making sense as those two divergent ways also seem to be merging. Why would a certain part of our government demand another part of our government to give any factual information on extra-terrestrial beings that apparently has been found, studied, and even examined physically?

When Nick Pope appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program on Fox News, I took notice of it since I’ve also been an intellectual watcher of “Ancient Aliens” as research for my Non-Fiction Christian Speculative novel, and Nick Pope is a regular. I wrote an essay on my tribulationhelp.com website already about how ‘extra-terrestrials’ could be linked later as a way to discount the ‘Rapture’ of Christian believers when we supernaturally disappear from this Earth. With the sudden change in leadership in 2021, the government may not share anything about ‘aliens’ until it is of greatest convenience.

I’m not the only Christian asking about these intersections of science fiction and Christian eschatology either. At one point many scientists were also Christians in this world but not in 2021. It seems that when science began discounting Christianity, many Christian leaders decided to discount them and claim that science itself was evil. Spiritual forefathers abandoned scholastics, and that’s why academia has become a weapon against God. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ARE the Creators of science! When God the Creator said, “Let there be light”, the Word began all science disciplines!

I took three years of Chemistry and loved all of the complexities of combining different elements to cause various reactions. It spoke to me as a person of imagination and was also why I created my one character translated from Earth in TREADING THE PATH to be able to do it visually in the mythical parallel world of Eirinth. If I can write my stories in 2021 to have some truth in the fiction, what do you think people have been doing for the thousands of years we’ve been here? The ‘myths’ possibly locked away in Alexandria by the Christian leaders centuries ago might be history instead.

“That’s crazy!” some of you may yell in outrage. Are you forgetting ‘Parables’ Jesus used in His teachings to reach the people emotionally and practically? “But any fiction is false and evil!” more of you cry out in anger. The last time I checked my Holy Bible, JESUS NEVER SINNED! How could parables (spoken stories meant for a purpose but NOT actually happening) be evil if spoken by Jesus Christ, Son of the One True Living God Almighty? IF DONE FOR THE SAME PURPOSE – TO LEAD PEOPLE TO SALVATION – THEY AREN’T! Wake up and read the Truth!

I know there are a lot of people who claim to be ‘Christian’ that haven’t really accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Personal Savior. Like the ‘Republicans in name only’ or RINOS, those who don’t KNOW JESUS aren’t His. I seriously don’t want a single person to not understand the distinction and be lost on this Earth, especially after Christ believers are relocated to Heaven while destruction on Earth happens as judgement. I know it’s been warned about for centuries, but don’t you think the longer is seems to take means the closer we are to the spiritual ENDGAME? Use your brain!

Yes, you are dealing with someone who loves the Marvel hero movies! Did you ever wonder why there are so many fictional heroes that have been created over the existence of time? Whether we are talking about musical, mystical, mythological, science-fictional, or anime-central these all point to what each person’s soul longs for… the Savior! It is in our genes, programmed into our DNA by the Creator of all existence, and crying out for what our fallen sin-nature fights against. THAT is WHY we NEED a SAVIOR! Not just any hero but the One willing to become flesh without sin for us!

The link in all of this is actually simple. The angel Lucifer fell to become Satan and tried to pollute the bloodline of humanity through having other fallen angels bed human women to create ‘Giants’ spoken of in the Torah, Holy Bible of Christianity, and proven history. The ‘Nephilim’ in Hebrew were to stop Jesus Christ from being able to be born intact. IF Satan could have every human woman have even a bit of Nephilim blood then Jesus Christ couldn’t be born in human form without sin to die for humanity to give Salvation through Faith. It’s not rocket science but God’s immortal science!

As more things are happening and look like Bible Prophecies being actually fulfilled in ways that couldn’t happen until now, Christians need to really take a good look at where you are, what you are doing for Christ, and why you fight so hard against admitting that we ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We need to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and get over ourselves! We shouldn’t accept sin as being ‘okay’, ‘water down’ the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or focus on the ‘building a kingdom’ on our own either. We NEED to NEED JESUS more than anything else in this whole universe!

I don’t discredit PROVEN science. I don’t discount Science Fiction either. Supernatural is the dichotomy of the spiritual with the natural intertwined like the DNA strands of our humanity. Yes, I do write FICTION. Yes, I do believe in CHRISTIANITY. Do I honestly think that the two coexist in a Truth that certain groups keep trying to deny because they can’t comprehend the possibility even though God Almighty is a conundrum in Reality? YES! For the Quadrillion to the Umpteenth power, YES! NONE of us know the extensive levels of existence and ability of our Creator. No, not one!

This is meant to not only get Christians to truly think about the reality of our imminent departure but also to call out to those who have dismissed Jesus Christ as a myth or some other foolery that just wants control over you. How many of you are already giving people, places, things, or even substances power enough to control you? No matter what I had to let go of to gain my Faith, it NEVER could have given to me what JESUS HAS ALREADY. Do I have problems? Yes. Do I have times of discouragement? Yes. Do I have moments of doubt? Yes. Why do I still want Jesus? HE IS LIFE!

I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission. Do I believe in Healing? Yes. Am I angry that God hasn’t given it to me completely yet? No. Why? Job spoke it the best when he said, “Even though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!” Ever wonder why the Centurion followed what Jesus told him to do? He KNEW what Jesus said would be. Once you have an experience with the Soul-Saving Son of the Most High God of Creation, YOU KNOW. Even if you doubt sometimes, you’ll find yourself speaking that Faith in spite of any fear. Because HE Lives I can face tomorrow!

I don’t know the battles you are now fighting. I don’t know if you are at the point of giving up. I don’t even know if you are in a place where you will give Jesus Christ a chance to show you what He has for you. I don’t, but HE DOES. I had a car wreck a week before Christmas 2020, so how could I write this since my 2011 Chevy Aveo was totaled? I hit the small bit of water and hydroplaned into an Xterra, but I only got two bruised knees. Do you know how tank-like an Xterra is? I DO NOW! I also KNOW that my guardian angel used that water to slide me in a way so my airbag didn’t trigger.

Why did the accident happen? Maybe it was for the driver of the other vehicle, the tow truck driver, the rental car driver, the insurance customer service agent, or the insurance adjustor. I gave cards to all of those I met in person that has my websites listed and told those on the phone the websites too. Maybe one of them needed an unusual way that points to Jesus, and I may not know until the Judgement Seat of Christ in Heaven after I’m evacuated from Earth spiritually… or supernaturally as the terms fits. That brings me to the reason for the title of this odd op-ed that may be ignored by most.

After being a Sci-Fi fan for forty years I finally think I found a proper scientific term for the ‘Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ of the believers in Christ known as the Church – Quantum Tunneling! I read about this in an article on Wikipedia, but they didn’t give the author name for me to give proper credit so just look it up if you want to read more on it. The term actually is talking about the phenomena in relation to nuclear fusion, but as I read it I began thinking about how Jesus rose again. The New Testament says that our bodies during the Rapture will become like that of Jesus after His resurrection.

What if it DOES take the same kind of powerful energy like nuclear fusion to transform us? What if instead of a flight through the sky we will be taking a rocket-blast through the dimensional realm? What if all that we think we know in logistical data from spiritually-minded mentors turns out to be even less than what was proposed in Star Trek? What if my song lyrics for “Like Rocket Fire” are more reality than even I thought? What if our departure really will be like that Quantum Tunneling with Divine protection? Well, I guess that means I should pray, “Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!”

“America on the Brink of an Identity Crisis”

“America on the Brink of an Identity Crisis” by Tonja Condray Klein on 10/05/20

I’m a non-conforming individualist, a born-again spirit-filled Christian, and a supporter of the arts and sciences when they line up with historical reality and been proven with more than one discipline. What I find disconcerting in 2020 is that too many people who claim to be Christians, conservative, or even possessing common sense seem to be so silent, absent, or even comatose when facing what is happening in politics, religion, society, and transitioning government types. It’s not that hard to SEE, HEAR, and KNOW what is going on, but many in these groups seem to be HIDING now.

I don’t claim to be brave, and I certainly have failed in my life to share my Christian faith as well as I could have at times, but as a citizen of the United States of America I’m now called to vote my Faith, vote my conscience, and vote my support of the Constitution that this country was founded upon. To do less would be a violent slap in the face of my father who fought in World War II, my uncle who died in World War II, and every single soldier over the course of this country’s history who fought to protect all those under their care. THIS MUST NOT EVER HAPPEN IN THE USA!

I’ve been reading various writings for eschatology of biblical prophecy and books about historical changes in many countries that have followed a certain escalation of steps away from freedom toward government control. Both of these studies have left me more concerned than even the news reports do now in the time of Covid-19. The lack of more Christian voices being heard also causes great concern, not only with the 2020 election coming but also not seeing the final Christian revival occurring yet since if we ever needed one IT IS NOW. How many now can see the same thing?

There is ONLY one way that can interrupt the steps trying to take away American freedom – for those pulled into demonic forces attempting to enslave them to instead come to salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior, Lord, and Creator. This is why enemies allied with evil are doing all they can to destroy Christianity. The Biblical Gospel teachings counteract manipulative types of government that try to overtake democratic-republics. This is why America’s founding fathers included freedom of religion to help maintain the rest of the statutes our government will always need.

The founders of the United States of America were not perfect or upright in all ways, but no one in this world has ever been except for Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God Almighty who is our Creator. Jesus died in our places to give us eternal life through Faith in Him. Slavery is one of the greatest wrongs done throughout history, and even this country did not escape using it until the wrong was righted. Before blaming others in this time for what was done throughout all time worldwide, you should read verified history. If we blame every group responsible, EVERYONE is accountable.

Christians are supposed to forgive others, and we have NO right to judge someone else for the sins of his or her ancestors. I do NOT owe anything for the sins of my past relations, and this needs to be upheld as proper justice in 2020. If someone breaks a law presently then he or she needs to be held accountable for it. This newer concept of social justice that is trying to make people pay for something he or she did NOT do is injustice to the core! Why some believe in this misappropriation of blame can only be attributed as driven by hatred with the lack of understanding full global history.

Of course, REAL History isn’t being taught correctly or at all. What I learned in school is NOT what my youngest niece has been taught. I find this completely unacceptable. I was going to be a teacher, and this dereliction of duty by not teaching facts that are proven is an abomination to the calling that teachers used to protect and uphold at all cost. It makes me thankful that I didn’t follow that career path since this current idiocy is overtaking common sense. I know that some of my former teachers would have quit before teaching the absolute false heresies of newer education. I would have too.

As if a global pandemic wasn’t bad enough, America is facing a governmental coup, an educational brainwashing, and a religious falling-away all at the same time! What’s next… outer space alien encounters? Come on, people! How can we, Generation–X in particular, let this happen? While I can see the spirit of the anti-Christ working overtime, I can’t see how this country can let evil take over in a way that appalls my very being! Am I the only one hearing Disciple’s one song “God of Elijah” in stereo right now as a warning? How about Russ Taff’s “Not Gonna Bow”? Check them out for clarity!

America is on the brink of an identity crisis to the foundation. Are we going to let these horrific things continue? Are we going to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the blaring horns of emergency? Are we going to just give up when so many have fought and keep fighting for our freedom? I CANNOT! I do my best to keep politics out of my writing, but when it comes to my Christianity right now politics will determine whether or not I can be FREE to share JESUS. I can’t let my calling to do that be stopped by the miscreant idiots that KNOW NOTHING and want everything their way.

Not on my watch. I MUST SHARE JESUS! I MUST SING HIS PRAISE! I MUST VOTE MY FAITH! I MUST KEEP MY LAMP FILLED WITH OIL! I MUST DO ALL I CAN WHILE I CAN! Before any of us realize this, we may lose the right to do any of it without facing persecution, imprisonment, and even torture. I’m one voice but with a purpose – to live for Christ and share His love even if death is my only gain. I will FIGHT, though, and not bow to the idols. I’m a reclaimed daughter of Father God Almighty and joint-Heir with Yeshua Jesus Christ my Savior, Lord and King!

Who and what are you?