“America on the Brink of an Identity Crisis”

“America on the Brink of an Identity Crisis” by Tonja Condray Klein on 10/05/20

I’m a non-conforming individualist, a born-again spirit-filled Christian, and a supporter of the arts and sciences when they line up with historical reality and been proven with more than one discipline. What I find disconcerting in 2020 is that too many people who claim to be Christians, conservative, or even possessing common sense seem to be so silent, absent, or even comatose when facing what is happening in politics, religion, society, and transitioning government types. It’s not that hard to SEE, HEAR, and KNOW what is going on, but many in these groups seem to be HIDING now.

I don’t claim to be brave, and I certainly have failed in my life to share my Christian faith as well as I could have at times, but as a citizen of the United States of America I’m now called to vote my Faith, vote my conscience, and vote my support of the Constitution that this country was founded upon. To do less would be a violent slap in the face of my father who fought in World War II, my uncle who died in World War II, and every single soldier over the course of this country’s history who fought to protect all those under their care. THIS MUST NOT EVER HAPPEN IN THE USA!

I’ve been reading various writings for eschatology of biblical prophecy and books about historical changes in many countries that have followed a certain escalation of steps away from freedom toward government control. Both of these studies have left me more concerned than even the news reports do now in the time of Covid-19. The lack of more Christian voices being heard also causes great concern, not only with the 2020 election coming but also not seeing the final Christian revival occurring yet since if we ever needed one IT IS NOW. How many now can see the same thing?

There is ONLY one way that can interrupt the steps trying to take away American freedom – for those pulled into demonic forces attempting to enslave them to instead come to salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior, Lord, and Creator. This is why enemies allied with evil are doing all they can to destroy Christianity. The Biblical Gospel teachings counteract manipulative types of government that try to overtake democratic-republics. This is why America’s founding fathers included freedom of religion to help maintain the rest of the statutes our government will always need.

The founders of the United States of America were not perfect or upright in all ways, but no one in this world has ever been except for Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God Almighty who is our Creator. Jesus died in our places to give us eternal life through Faith in Him. Slavery is one of the greatest wrongs done throughout history, and even this country did not escape using it until the wrong was righted. Before blaming others in this time for what was done throughout all time worldwide, you should read verified history. If we blame every group responsible, EVERYONE is accountable.

Christians are supposed to forgive others, and we have NO right to judge someone else for the sins of his or her ancestors. I do NOT owe anything for the sins of my past relations, and this needs to be upheld as proper justice in 2020. If someone breaks a law presently then he or she needs to be held accountable for it. This newer concept of social justice that is trying to make people pay for something he or she did NOT do is injustice to the core! Why some believe in this misappropriation of blame can only be attributed as driven by hatred with the lack of understanding full global history.

Of course, REAL History isn’t being taught correctly or at all. What I learned in school is NOT what my youngest niece has been taught. I find this completely unacceptable. I was going to be a teacher, and this dereliction of duty by not teaching facts that are proven is an abomination to the calling that teachers used to protect and uphold at all cost. It makes me thankful that I didn’t follow that career path since this current idiocy is overtaking common sense. I know that some of my former teachers would have quit before teaching the absolute false heresies of newer education. I would have too.

As if a global pandemic wasn’t bad enough, America is facing a governmental coup, an educational brainwashing, and a religious falling-away all at the same time! What’s next… outer space alien encounters? Come on, people! How can we, Generation–X in particular, let this happen? While I can see the spirit of the anti-Christ working overtime, I can’t see how this country can let evil take over in a way that appalls my very being! Am I the only one hearing Disciple’s one song “God of Elijah” in stereo right now as a warning? How about Russ Taff’s “Not Gonna Bow”? Check them out for clarity!

America is on the brink of an identity crisis to the foundation. Are we going to let these horrific things continue? Are we going to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the blaring horns of emergency? Are we going to just give up when so many have fought and keep fighting for our freedom? I CANNOT! I do my best to keep politics out of my writing, but when it comes to my Christianity right now politics will determine whether or not I can be FREE to share JESUS. I can’t let my calling to do that be stopped by the miscreant idiots that KNOW NOTHING and want everything their way.

Not on my watch. I MUST SHARE JESUS! I MUST SING HIS PRAISE! I MUST VOTE MY FAITH! I MUST KEEP MY LAMP FILLED WITH OIL! I MUST DO ALL I CAN WHILE I CAN! Before any of us realize this, we may lose the right to do any of it without facing persecution, imprisonment, and even torture. I’m one voice but with a purpose – to live for Christ and share His love even if death is my only gain. I will FIGHT, though, and not bow to the idols. I’m a reclaimed daughter of Father God Almighty and joint-Heir with Yeshua Jesus Christ my Savior, Lord and King!

Who and what are you?