Tag Archives: Rescue

“What To Do Before and After People Disappear Like in Marvel ENDGAME…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/23/2021

I wrote an essay titled “Aliens, Weapons, or Jesus” in 2019 for my faith website, but with what has recently happened I decided to do a new Op-Ed to be placed on all the social media links I use. The original essay is still at my faith site: https://www.tribulationhelp.com/world_thread/aliens-or-weapons/ that is still possible now in 2021 even more. This Op-Ed is meant to be a to-the-point list for what people might need to do before and after this situation occurs. It ISN’T meant to scare people but to help them to get ready for the eventuality if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. This isn’t a tactic to get you to have a religious experience that isn’t real. It is meant to help you to question reality, study history and Christianity, and prepare for what signs of the times are showing now.

Yes, I watched ENDGAME again. I can’t help but think about the chaos, fear, and despair that will be going on after the event Christians call ‘The Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ takes place. I’ve been trying to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ Who IS Savior, Lord, King, and the Only Son of God Almighty of Creation before it’s too late so as many as can will join believers in this spiritual evacuation before the Great Tribulation period begins. Even so, seeing how the people in the movie react to the losses of people they knew and loved that were still here makes my heart ache with pain. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I didn’t know what had happened, like Scott Lang in the movie didn’t know at first. It really showed a parallel in so many ways that I can’t help but relate to as how anyone still in Earth will feel.

The movie has no link to Christian faith, but there are parts of the whole movie series that I can’t help but also relate to different things concerning parts of prophecy that make me shake my head with how some things seem to have dual interpretations due to your own reading, learning, understanding, and spirituality. Regardless, when people see that millions to billions of people have disappeared like the characters in the last movie, it won’t be anything less than utter pandemonium. Once again, this is NOT to scare you into a false acceptance of Jesus Christ, but I hope to help you if a refusal of Jesus Christ as Savior keeps you from joining me in the Rapture. Do I have moments of questioning things sometimes when life gets hard and promises from God seem to not come? Yes. Is this one of those things? NO.

The fact that a secular movie showed something so close to how the Rapture might look to others being right beside a Christian when it happens still blows my mind! While other ‘End-Of-Times’ movies like the LEFT BEHIND series shows it looking differently, I can’t help but THINK about it. The main difference I think will be that Christians will KNOW they are leaving ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ and there won’t be any stunned expressions on their faces unless the person beside them were thought to have been leaving with them too. THAT would be the hard reality many people will face when it does happen since they might not have believed their friend, family member, or stranger until THAT moment. If you read this print it. When the Rapture happens, PLEASE REFER TO IT!

I’m not telling you to go buy up a bunch of stuff like what happened during the Pandemic that made people get so crazy. There are just a few things to consider when you go to do your usual marketing. Preventive actions should be taken since chaos is going to run wild right after the initial panic ebbs from not being able to find someone you know. These are some important things that really should be taken care of in general but continually done BEFORE…

1.) If you don’t already have canned or sustainable food like we get in Ohio during winter months, get and keep it.

2.) If you have medications you can’t do without, see if you can get a 90-day supply since stores could shut down.

3.) If you don’t have an Emergency radio, get one to have to keep track of weather, local, and government alerts.

I don’t know WHEN this could happen. I wrote on my other Op-Ed that it could be at any time when the last soul to be saved in the Grace Dispensation that is right now finally happens. It could be DURING Rosh Hashanah. It could be in a few YEARS. It could even be TODAY. We honestly don’t know, but when the Rapture happens and millions to billions of people disappear around the world at the same time then take these steps for safety AFTER…

1.) Immediately PRAY to ask God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ to protect you from what comes next.

2.) ACCIDENTS will happen so try to get inside somewhere safe and away from any kind of moving vehicle.

3.) ELECTRICITY will probably go out so keep batteries, flashlights, and other items needed for your survival.

COMMON SENSE is sometimes hard to come by in 2021 since teenagers and young adults haven’t been taught basics for personal or defensive care like I was taught during those ages myself. Raised in church helped me to learn the things that have lead me to the spiritual common sense for this situation as well. I READ the Christian Bible myself, not depending on preachers, pastors, teachers, or experts only. I should have taken political science as well as religious studies as major and minor, but since I had to withdraw from college due to ongoing illness my reading on my own still has done its job with personal understanding. Please don’t let academics brainwash you into accepting not only Socialism but then specific identification types that will link you to the new leader at that time who will be the demonic anti-Christ.

I’ve been a Pro-Vaccine individual for my almost 49 years. I already had and recovered from Covid-19, but I still got the 2-shot Moderna vaccine since my husband did also because he works at a local hospital. I’m beginning to wonder about the continual ‘booster’, though, since if we get too used to having mandates followed without question when it’s our own health and lives at stake it could make us become mindless drones to follow the orders no matter what, and I’m NOT okay with that. I’m a Non-Conforming Individualist, a legal American Citizen, and a Born-Again Spirit-Filled Christian who has RIGHTS. I support people getting the present Moderna vaccine to help fight getting Covid-19, but I also ask all to KEEP QUESTIONING anything else they come up with after the initial one. WE MUST KEEP OUR RIGHTS!

This might become one of the reasons for what could happen to ensure America will not be able to help Israel – another civil war in America. The fair election question, the declining citizen rights, and the possible loss of the right to bear personal arms might all contribute to this exploding. I’m hoping that won’t happen and somehow the True Church believers will have that Last Great Revival I’ve read about and studied for the past 40 years. It might still happen right BEFORE the Rapture of Christ believers who will be supernaturally evacuated. Once believers are removed the Great Tribulation begins and the revealing of the new leader that will be seen as a man of peace for the first 3-1/2 years that proves as false when he breaks his pact with Israel and Arab nations to become a world despot as ”God”.

While Christians are in a safe place receiving their crowns, precious stones, silver, and gold rewards for their service to Lord God Almighty, those on Earth will line up to worship the son of Satan, a Nephilim that might also be explained as an Alien who actually created mankind – the last Great Deception mentioned in the Christian Bible. This isn’t undocumented or unproven, but many denominations refuse to even consider that the Great Tribulation will be a reality; some even claim it already happened, but I CAN COUNT! The numbers mentioned in prophetic Bible books DON’T MATCH. It has NOT happened yet, so don’t let anyone tell you that it won’t. IT WILL as sure as I can count. Mathematics is one of MY favorite skils, so you can BET ON IT. I’m doing so with my own life right now.

What is happening in Afghanistan right now might be what happens in the United States even before the Rapture. I hope it won’t, but my heart cries already for those who will still be here after Christians are taken out. That is WHY I’m writing about this NOW. I want you to have information. I want you to accept Jesus as Savior if at all possible, but if you don’t understand now then I want to help you with how to survive what you will face. The way those Americans trapped in Afghanistan are feeling helpless now will be what you will probably feel then. Don’t give up! Jesus Christ still saves! Jesus Christ still delivers! Christians and ALL AMERICANS need to be PRAYING for God Almighty to bring ALL of our soldiers and citizens home safely! I’m praying that whoever reads will ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as Savior Now!

“Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m a sinner by birth and ask for Forgiveness by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for me on Calvary in my place. I need Your Grace, Mercy, Protection, and a Pathway. I give my life to You to use as You will to reach others as a testament to Your Love for humanity. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ I pray and also ask for rescue for ALL those in Afghanistan until they are ALL safe at home. AMEN!”