Tag Archives: Israel

“What If You Are The Only Jesus People See?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/07/2022

Christianity isn’t just a religious way of life, a moral standard of living, or even a fight for the greater good. The reality of Christianity is having Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, the Only Son of the Only Living God of Creation Who died in the place of each and every person’s sins passed down from the first humans through their blood line…until Jesus Christ was born with the blood line of God Almighty instead and was able to die for every single person throughout time who would simply BELIEVE. It sounds simple, but people make it so blasted hard to understand. Whether it’s due to the misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or direct misdirecting, the actual full message of Christianity through Grace by Faith isn’t presented as the Power-filled life of believers since many who claim to be believers have NO POWER by choice.

There are many groups who claim to be Christian that expect you to do all kinds of spiritual contortions that have NOTHING to do with SALVATION as stated in the Christian Holy Bible: “Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” THIS IS A FIRST STEP INTO A NEW LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST WITH HIM AS YOUR SAVIOR. Christianity asks for you to let Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit and His Living Word to begin restoring you spiritually, changing you personally to empower you supernaturally once you claim Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation.

THIS IS PERSONAL. This is the most important relationship you can have in your life since it is with the One who took your sin, knows you better than you know yourself, and wants for you to know HIM. His Spirit fills you again once you accept what He did FOR YOU, let Him take all sin you’ve done away FROM YOU, and let Him give a new life TO YOU. Salvation is instant, but LIVING your new life will take a lifetime. Justification is through Faith in Christ, and Redemption is promised. NONE of us are perfect so no matter how long a person is saved he or she will sin even if they have the best intentions to live for Christ, but His forgiveness is promised as long as you take sins to the Lord for Him to reapply His blood to your life once again for you to go forward AGAIN. AN ONGOING AGAIN!

Life is hard. Every day idiocy grates on the nerves and makes even a sane (or semi-sane) person want to destroy what is in the way of peace, joy, love, and even complete sanity. I’m writing this with tears in my eyes since I fail all the time to control my anger over things that overwhelm me when something that should be easier to handle drive me crazy! Is it possible I need to pray more, read the Bible more, and let go of things interfering with my Christian life more? YES! Is it possible the RRMS I have, though in remission, has me taking medicine that could be part of over- reactions? YES! Is it possible that approaching 50 years old with changing hormones could make me do the same? YES! Is it possible the enemy causes things to happen to turn the screws on my psyche so I fall short being a model Christian? YES!

We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We ALL have the same tainted blood due to the human fall from the Grace of God Almighty our Creator that happened by Adam and Eve. WE ALL NEED JESUS! I can’t do the things I wish I could do or NOT do the things I wish I would NOT do. I AM HUMAN… inherently undisciplined in mind and body. I’m not proud of myself, and I certainly hurt my own heart when I do the things Jesus cries over each time I fail Him. There is NO excuse. I’m still trying to live my Faith to make my Savior be thankful that He did die for me. I am His even when I mess everything up. I’m still redeemed but ONLY by Faith in what HE already did for me. I’m supposed to be learning, progressing, and growing in His Grace, and yet I falter at the worst possible moments I could at times.

Christianity is NOT something to use so you can claim to be perfect; Christianity IS the WAY to reach the ONE who IS perfect as HE then helps you to try to live your life to SHARE that He lives IN YOU by His Grace through your Faith in what He’s already done for you and ALL WHO BELIEVE HIM. We each are supposed to be a Light Shining on the hill by living for Jesus with all of our abilities in spite of our own failures. Do things seem so out of control most of the time that it can make us question why we should even try? Yes. Do some people claim to be Christian yet seem to try to hurt others? Yes. Is either okay? NO! Jesus Christ gave His life to restore yours to how yours was meant to be before you were even born. HE SAW YOU when He was on the Cross of Calvary! Accept HIM to begin Life Restoration!

“That seems a bit dramatic!” some might exclaim. What happened on the Cross was as DRAMATIC as it was TORTUROUS and HEART-BREAKING. Every time I make a mistake and sin then my heart hurts since I know Jesus bled a drop to cover it for me. “That is some nonsensical way of thinking” others might yell out. Each person has your own decisions that you need to take responsibility for doing, and NO ONE has the power to live good enough on your own to overcome the sin in your soul. “Who do you think you are to judge anyone?” more scream in outrage. I’m not. I point to the facts according to the Holy Bible that gives the argument that we ALL have sinned and need a Savior Who has given HIS FREE GIFT for you that you need to accept so HE can change you from the inside out over time.

It is an ongoing struggle to even try to live for Christ sometimes. It is NOT always sunshine and roses. There are moments of rain and thorns. I’ve been through enough storms to tell you that it’s not easy, but in the midst of the storm is when Jesus shows up to help you not sink in a wreck and even walk on some kind of spiritual water if you trust Him. I’m still trying to understand why I had the car accident a couple years ago that totaled it. I only had a couple of bruised knees, so I’m thankful, but why did it have to happen? I was in shock but didn’t have a nervous breakdown and gave out cards to the police officer, towing driver, and owner of car I rear-ended after 30 years without an accident so I still ask WHY? Did any of them come to find the Lord or find a closer walk with the Savior? I don’t know, but the possibility gives solace.

What if I was the only Jesus those people will ever see? That is a thrilling but a frightening prospect since I’m not the best I’d choose for it. How many people have I failed to reach? How many people have I turned against Jesus by some careless action? How many have I pushed away by not showing the kind of Jesus they needed to see? It shadows parts of my life with how they could have happened. All I can do now is to TRY to live more like Him so all those going forward will see HIM instead of just me. Sharing the sea-walking Galilean carpenter Savior that died for all can happen in a better way, but what if that unexpected accident, scary disease, or ongoing illness put you in a place where Jesus can use you to reach even one soul that no one else will ever be able to reach? EVERY Christian needs to REALLY consider that.

Am I glad the car accident happened? Am I glad that I have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis even if I’m in remission? Am I glad that I have to see a regular doctor, an allergy doctor, and a neurologist doctor? NO to all three, but if I have managed to show even a slight light to someone during one of those visits that reached someone for Jesus then that IS something that I’m glad about happening. I’m not a masochist so I don’t want pain, problems, or persecution, BUT if a moment of discomfort leads to an eternity in Heaven for even one person to have then it ALL will be worth it. I don’t like illness, but it’s an old thing to me since I was a child. I’ve wept sitting in the middle of a hospital bed more than once, but knowing that my Savior was right beside me singing over me has always been a comfort that I want everyone to have.

I used to be an optimist most of the time when I was younger, but if I’m honest I’m more of a realist now when it comes to everyday life. I have moments of utter joy with things I find beautiful, inspiring, and truthful, but desolation hits when the world feels like it’s falling down on me at the toughest times I’ve known. I trust people too quickly and get hurt often, but I still try to see the good a person has inside to help them get closer to Jesus to see good become a brighter light for others. It is part of my calling and the reason for my songs and books, but when others can’t understand things I try to use in a different way to do that reaching then it hurts more than anything else has in my almost 50 years. ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ isn’t something many Christians seem to take very seriously. I do and try to live by it each day.

Like I’ve said before many times, I’m NOT perfect; I’m not even close or approaching it at any speed other than a human crawl. I try to let the Lord change what He wills with music, scripture, books, research, and any media He chooses. It’s interesting what He DOES use sometimes, but there are many who wouldn’t believe it was God Almighty who does it because they try to put God Almighty in a religious box of their own making. I DON’T. I know that HE KNOWS ME. HE KNOWS WHAT REACHES ME. HE KNOWS WHAT REACHES EACH AND EVERY PERSON. That is WHY I still write what I write and sing what I sing. If one part of a book or one stanza of a song reaches them then that means I wrote it FOR THEM TO FIND HIM! Will that be many? Maybe not, but even 1 is worth it. Even 1 matters. Even 1 is enough.

I keep watching “Castle”. That series helped me to finish writing BREAKING THE SHACKLES, Book 1 of my “Rebirth of Eirinth” Christian Speculative Fantasy Novel Series. I don’t claim it’s the best book you’d ever read or if the writing is what some would want, but I tried to do something different to reach a few specific groups of what I’d hoped would be my readers based on my eclectic interests and how the book interlaced Fantasy novels, Japanese Anime series, and Christian music within the pages of the story. It has a positive purpose even if some can’t see it. It definitely has my heart throughout it, so if anyone knows me at all they should see it in the art, read it in the story, and hear it in the music. If it and TREADING THE PATH, “Rebirth of Eirinth” book 2 don’t show Jesus Christ too in some way then I failed.

When I chose ‘Tenrai Daystar’ as the name for my version of Jesus Christ in Eirinth it wasn’t done lightly. Tenrai is a Japanese word that means ‘sound of the wind, divine, beautiful poetry’ and that is how I FEEL about Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty. I knew I needed something else, and the song “Daystar Shine Down on Me” came to me when I prayed about it and sounded right when added to the first name. ALL character names were chosen for their meaning to give spiritual background and personality traits once shown through their reactions and places in the storyline. That was how I planned it and hoped readers would understand and find the one they related to the most to then find their path in this world toward Faith with their skills and abilities that God can use to show Jesus to others too. I truly hope.

If my songs and books are my ways to be the only Jesus people see then I’m thankful for what I’ve done as a teen and adult with my music and as an adult with my books even if others can’t recognize it now. I’ll have a table at the Gem City Comic Con on 07/23-24/2022 at the Dayton Convention Center for the first time. Though my book series is NOT the comic genre but written Fantasy books, they have similar artwork. Maybe someone there will be interested. I’m giving my music CD “Eirinth Breaking” with each purchase while supplies last and will be in ‘costume’, so maybe something in my multi-media project will reach out to EVEN ONE PERSON. It might seem a small return for all of my time, money, and tears, but what if THAT ONE is your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, parent, grandparent, spouse, or friend?

A Worldwide Revival is prophesied to happen BEFORE the Rapture (calling away) of the Believers in Christ as many believe happens BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. I recently read the online article at Kehilanews Community Blog under “Yeshua’s Hidden Identity Revealed on Succoth, His True Birthday” by Richard Honorof on Oct 7, 2020. He believes that Worldwide Revival will begin in Jerusalem once people there see the link that Mary (Miriam) has to the line of King David through her father AND the line of Aaronic high priesthood by Zadok through her mother. This gave Jesus Christ not only the KING line but also the HIGH PRIEST line for the final SACRIFICE HE GAVE FOR ALL OF US!

What if YOU are the ONLY JESUS people in your life SEE? What if…?

“Rosh Hashanah 2021 Day 2 Done But No Christian Rapture” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/08/2021

While I would’ve welcomed Jesus Christ showing up in the clouds between the 6th and 8th but that didn’t happen. It might happen any other day from now on since the first prophecy leading to the Rapture (Christian Evacuation) began the clock ticking down to the Great Tribulation. Some Christians believe the Rapture won’t be until midway through the Great Tribulation while others think at end of it. I still believe the Rapture will be BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. My main reason is that the anti-Christ can’t take full power over the nations until ALL Christians are removed to safety.

Unlike the present United States of America government, Jesus Christ will NOT leave ANY of HIS own behind! Christians and Messianic Jews will be changed then translated/transported to Heaven. Whether another dimension or even another planet, it will happen when it’s time to vacate Earth. Some who claim to be Christian believe neither will happen, but since every single prophecy over thousands of years in the Holy Bible HAVE happened, I don’t think I’d discount this part since OUR LIVES depend on it! I don’t want any person to be left here to endure the Hell on Earth that will happen.

I know I keep referencing the Marvel movie ENDGAME, but it truly represents how things will be here on Earth once millions to billions of people disappear from around the world. You think the Covid-19 pandemic made getting any goods tough? You need to read the Christian Holy Bible book of Revelation to find the judgements by God Almighty the Creator of the universe that will be with seals, trumpets, and woes to understand how awful it WILL BE after those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior through faith are supernaturally removed. The anti-Christ will then take power.

Do you wonder where America is in all of this? Hmm… don’t see a single mention of a country that could be seen as America in any of the prophecies. Now there is the mention of the 144,000 Jews who are fleeing from the anti-Christ and are taken to safety at one point by the ‘Wings of an eagle” that has been attributed by many preachers to be America, but the only other scripture that uses that same phrase is in the Old Testament and could NOT mean America since we hadn’t existed yet. America has been an ally to Israel often and recently, but NOT now with present policies.

America is tearing itself apart in 2021. Everything that I have learned for my 49 years of life is being dumbed down, lied about, and even demonized as being all of the ‘ists’, ‘isms’, or ‘ics’ that I actually despise. Yes, I’m a white Christian American woman, but I’m NOT racist, xenophobic, or misogynistic. Unfortunately, this America is no longer the America I’ve known. It isn’t that of my parents born in 1913 and 1931 or my sister born in 1950. With the turning over of Afghanistan like it was done, I also see WHY we are not mentioned; we seem to no longer be a world power.

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again concerning this situation, “My father who fought in World War II would be madder than blazes over what is happening right now!” He did NOT fight and bleed for this country in World War II and defeat the Nazis to let our politicians destroy this Democratic-Republic now. His brother did NOT die in World War II for that to happen either! American soldiers never went into combat thinking about their service letting other countries take over ours. Our American people and their helpers are still stuck in Afghanistan. It’s no wonder America isn’t listed!

Do you think I’m happy about this? NO! America has always been THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE in my lifetime and way before I was even born, so this makes me ANGRY! Our country is BETTER than this! Well… we USED TO BE. That actually HURTS to type, but sometimes the TRUTH hurts in any medium. Yet we have former specialists who are BETTER, and I THANK YOU for all that you are doing now! My asking for the A-Team, Martin Riggs, and RED clones actually worked! Maybe God Almighty orchestrated that…

Yes, I do have a reason for pointing out all of this now that we haven’t left yet – WE NEED A CHRISTIAN REVIVAL! Remember? I typed that we needed a Rosh Hashanah Rapture or a Revival Rapture. The holiday is gone, we’re all still here, and yet I haven’t seen Revival begin! Yes, many churches are still locked down. Yes, many places require masks still. Yes, many people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. It’s September in Ohio, tree pollen is rough for me, and I don’t have a home church right now either. STILL… I would really like to find Revival soon.

I have song lyrics I wrote that I need to put to melody for the music. I have Eirinth Book 3 to continue to write. Christians should ALL and EACH have things they NEED to do to reach others now that we’ve been given more time to reach people for Jesus. If my throat didn’t feel so scratchy, if my head wasn’t hurting so much, and if I could finish this Op-Ed so I can post it where I post then I’d feel a bit better. Many have lost a loved one to Covid-19, so it’s hard to focus on being happy even if that loved one was also saved and went to be with Jesus before you. Revival still needs to BE.

With all that’s going on right now in America it’s easy to lose hope, get discouraged, and want to simply WAIT for Jesus to come. Even though we are told in the Holy Bible that we need to ‘occupy’ until Jesus returns to take us away, it’s hard to do more than sit down to think we’re occupying… occupying the church pew, occupying the couch, or even occupying the bed. We can sing sitting in the recliner with praise and worship music, but does that reach anyone else? It has been difficult with Covid-19 to do any in-person witnessing, book signings, singing, or church events, so now what?

I bought beautiful dress pants and dress shirts to wear for book signings and church appearances when my Eirinth Book 2, TREADING THE PATH came out in 2019, but then Covid-19 hit. I was upset through 2020 with not being able to do anything to get the word out about my book series to reach readers and wasn’t able to wear my clothes anywhere. I then lost my character artist I had worked with for the last 12 years for my novels when Covid-19 took her in May 2021. Loss can even cause Christians to question WHY they are doing anything. Don’t be weary in well-doing isn’t ever easy.

Giving to Christian and American groups to make a difference helps me to feel better since it helps those with a further reach than I have. Then again, I have people all over the world listening to my music, so I have been able to share about my faith, books, songs, and even Op-Eds that maybe one or more of those listening will be saved, encouraged, and even empowered no matter where they are right now. THAT is why I still do what I do. I try to live by my life’s pledge I adopted years ago, “I won’t give up, I won’t give out, and I won’t give in!” No Rosh Hashanah Rapture so REVIVAL!

What needs to happen is for ALL CHRISTIANS to follow the example of the Disciples of Christ when the Day of Pentecost happened, and once they accepted their callings they were unleashed with the Spirit-Given Gifts that they would need to SHOW this world back then exactly WHO HE IS. Jesus Christ in 2021 is asking this from US. The Christian Holy Bible tells us that we are each placed into the Body of Christ right where we can let the Spiritual Gifts given to us be used to the utmost for the Glory of God that can REACH souls so they find in Christ WHATEVER THEY NEED IN HIM.

It is knowledge kept from your understanding by the enemy – fallen mankind was given ONLY ONE way to be restored to the Creator of the universe instead of following His enemy that wants to keep you from Him so he can flaunt you as his victory. This is an ongoing war that began in the Garden of Eden and is in more than three dimensions. Yes, I write Fantasy stories, but Jesus Christ is NOT a fantasy, fallacy, or one of many gods. Jesus Christ is the mortal aspect of God Almighty born as a perfect human to die for imperfect mankind. HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH SO SEEK HIM!

ARE YOU WATCHING? = Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©02/17/21

***King James Holy Bible Translations with added underlines and full scripture Book names instead of abbreviations.***

Psalms 102:7 = I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.

Habakkuk 2:1 = I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

In the Old Testament of the Holy Bible of Christianity, even those who were in the Old Covenant had the understanding of needing to WATCH. Usually it was about those who watched for physical enemies that the Jewish Nation of Israel always had to be aware of for their own existence. Jesus Christ, as Messiah to Messianic Jews and Savior to Christians, gave the New Covenant and that call was given to His followers also in the spiritual realm. As we approach times that are seeing what seems to be more prophecies being fulfilled then we need to take the responsibilities as believers in Jesus Christ seriously. Whether Messianic Jews or Christians, we need to follow what the New Testament told followers of Christ to do NOW.

Matthew 24:42-43 = Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.

Matthew 25:13 = Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 26:41 = Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Those who claim to be believers in Salvation through the Blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ as Savior and Son of God Almighty our Creator, are YOU watching NOW? In the time of Apostle Matthew after Jesus Christ rose then ascended back to Heaven, believers in Him were already WATCHING for Jesus Christ to return in their own time. That was over two thousand years ago, and Christ believers have been told to keep WATCHING during all of this time. Can it feel like an endless and sometimes useless occupation while our world is going through some of the greatest catastrophes known to mankind? It might seem so if you don’t keep reading what the Word of God says about this in more than one book and in the New Testament directly to Christians then and now.

Mark 13:33-40 = Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

As believers in Jesus Christ and what He did for us, we have become His porters commanded to WATCH. Are you seeing the signs in this world? Are you searching the Holy Bible prophecy scriptures to see them line up with the news? Are you WATCHING? This is important for us to gain a solid understanding about this. If we are the Bride of Christ He promised to return to take away before the Great Tribulation begins then why wouldn’t we be continually studying, praying, reading, witnessing, and WATCHING? Jesus Christ was very adamant about what happened with the ten foolish virgins. I want to be found as a wise virgin when Jesus returns in the skies like He promised He would! Could I die before that happens? Yes, but probably not if things keep lining up in 2021.

Luke 12:37-40 = Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

We are supposed to be the servants of Jesus Christ by choice like Jesus Himself washed the feet of His Apostles as a lesson to them to not think more of themselves or their calling than their SAVIOR did. Believers likened to servants is to show that we’re NOT to be walled into a stone mausoleum of a church with our riches while sinners are forgotten and left to die in their sins and go to Hell. We are to be vigilant in seeing the signs foretold of in the Bible as the Last Days and raise a WARNING to believers and non-believers, not to cause a fearful religious experience or massive social panic, but to teach those willing to see the Truth of what must be accomplished to keep the WATCH so believers can see more Salvations of the lost. That should be the focus!

Matthew 25:1-13 = Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

1Thessalonians 5:6 = Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

2Timothy 4:5 = But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

1Peter 4:7 = But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

Revelation 3:3 = Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

How many people who claim to be believers in Christ are without oil, don’t have their lamp wick trimmed, and basically aren’t caring if Jesus Christ returns or not? How many are asleep right now and refuse to wake up even if it would mean they would see loved ones left behind WHEN (NOT IF) the Rapture (taking away or calling away) of the believers in Christ occurs? How many can’t seem to be sober (nor serious) about anything concerning the possibility they could lose their family’s immortal souls by not doing what Jesus Christ called us to do and His Apostles also directed us to do? This is NOT A GAME. This is the REALITY of the time in 2021. WAKE UP, BELIEVERS IN CHRIST! ARE YOU NOW WATCHING?