Tag Archives: #Resurrection

“Day BEFORE the Resurrection…”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04-09-2023

Imagine how Peter, James, John, and the rest of the disciples of Jesus Christ felt the day AFTER the Crucifixion. After the masses left, Peter denying the Lord three times, and then all of them hiding for their lives thinking the Roman soldiers would come for them too, did they wonder IF Jesus Christ would rise again? Did they look at each other for any comfort or at least a lessening of their grief? Did they discuss what Jesus had told them, what He had promised, and all miracles He had done? Could He actually be raised from the dead and give them eternal life if they waited for Him like He’d said? What if their Faith had been for the wrong reasons and they would pay the ultimate price for their mistake? Would the Temple accept them back or would they be lost and go to Hell for heresy by simply following Jesus Christ?

“Arise My Love” by NewSong is a powerful message done in 1987 but still infused with anointing, and I listened to it on 04/08/2023, cried over what I thought the disciples could have been feeling on that day, and then reminded myself how blessed I am now since I already KNOW that Jesus Christ rose again! They didn’t yet, so it had to be one of the most heartbreaking, soul-tearing, and even physically overpowering time. How must it have felt all night as they waited for any sign, any sound, or any kind of change that alerted them that the stone was rolled away? I would think they would pray or share at least the lyrics of songs quietly, but what if they were so terrified that every sound made them jump, every minute seemed like an hour, and every shared look was filled with loss of not just everyday life but the future that could be?

Peter had denied Jesus, even cursing at the guards to make a point, so how despondent did he feel through that night and early morning? Since I fail every day in some way, I understand that frustration, the agony of not being right with actions I can’t explain or wish away. Peter had made the declaration of WHO Jesus Christ was, and yet he denied Jesus THREE times! Then again, how many times have I denied Jesus with my own words spoken in anger when not realizing how it could make someone else feel around me? How did the other disciples feel when Peter denied Jesus? Would they have judged Peter or have understood since they were all linked to the same man turned over to be killed because of what had been considered blasphemy of the religion they might have all once followed themselves?

How had Mary, the mother of Jesus felt? She had known what the angel of God had told her, and she’d believed all that had been shown to her as the path her Son would have to take, but how would the once-virgin Mary deal with the same crowd Jesus had taught, healed, fed, laughed with, and even made wine for at the wedding suddenly turning on Him so easily to demand His death? How does a person forgive something that was blatant betrayal? How could she even look at anyone when she went to get water at a well? I know how hurt I have been over things I felt were betrayal too, and I’ve tried to forgive those responsible, but none of what I’ve faced has been on this level. Church hypocrisy hurts, but it never actually kills in this present day. Back then, it could have. Even with the others looking after her, Mary had to be afraid.

As Christians, we can rejoice because WE KNOW JESUS CHRIST LIVES! He restored our link to the Heavenly Father through His blood shed for us and is praying over us from Heaven until He returns for all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. We have songs to remind us of WHY and HOW, but those waiting together for the morning AFTER the Crucifixion were trying to believe and keep from being arrested. We have some around the world in places they hide now since not all countries allow Christianity and even believing could get them killed like the ones waiting so long ago. Jesus Christ rose again, came through a wall (quantum tunneling is my scientific explanation), showed His scars, forgave Peter, and brought Hope before He left for Heaven while leaving the mandate to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit and SHARE Jesus!

I don’t know what any of you are going through today, Resurrection morning 04/09/2023, but I do KNOW that whatever it is, Jesus Christ can help you handle it if you give Him your heart in return of His Salvation. Human hearts can be wicked, so this sinful member traded for restoration isn’t really a great deal for Him, but it will be the best one you can EVER make. You are reading this because you need HIM. HE gave this to me this morning of rejoicing, and I want to do everything I can to SHARE the JOY HE has given to me for my almost fifty-one years. Jesus loves you no matter what all you’ve done. Look at what Peter did. Look at what Paul did later. Our sins for His RESTORATION of the Soul as we let His Spirit give us what we need to at least TRY to let JESUS CHRIST lead us to the path we were ALWAYS to have.

The path can be hard to TREAD just like my second novel tried to show through fictional characters, but in reality it can be even harder. We have spiritual gifts if we allow them, but we don’t get elemental or energy gifts like most of my Eirinth characters do. I have been used with the spiritual gifts, though, and I’m telling you right now that feeling with any connection to them is beyond anything you can ever feel from anything else in this world. There are many reasons why I can sing the song, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know Who holds the future. And life is worth the living JUST because He lives!” It was true when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in 1980 and still is now in 2023. I might do stupid things, but He KNOWS me, and still can SAVE ANYONE!