Tag Archives: Media


I’m supposed to be writing my third Eirinth Fantasy Novel, but right now I’m distressed at seeing the possible end to a couple of my freedoms soon, and I feel helpless to do anything about it. As a born-again Spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ as Savior, I’m also seeing the possibility that book 3 can’t be published because of that loss of freedom and the fact that as a Christian I might be translated from here at any time. While I think this could happen during the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, it could happen as soon as the last person in the current church age accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The Christian happening of the Rapture or ‘calling away’ has been dismissed, debated, and fought over probably since Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven. I’m not going to argue with someone who disagrees with me over whether it will happen BEFORE the Great Tribulation (Pre-Trib), DURING (Mid-Trib), AFTER (Post-Trib), or NO Tribulation (called A-Millennial). I’m a Pre-Tribber myself just to make my stance perfectly clear. While I understand reasons for the other stances, I don’t agree with their layout of the scriptures or reasons for their interpretations of them.

Could I be wrong? Stranger things have happened, but probably not with this. Why? The accepted explanation in the churches that believe this is that the anti-Christ can’t take over until the Holy Spirit in the Christ believers has left this dimension. The Christian Bible book of Revelation has the ‘churches’ listed until John is ‘called up’ in Chapter 4, which is seen as a preview of the church. No ‘church’ is mentioned again until Jesus Christ returns for Armageddon, and then a New Jerusalem descends from Heaven near the end of Revelation. This isn’t an illusion or fiction story. It’s the future.

Yay! Bring out the balloons, party poppers, food galore, and lots of beautiful clothes to celebrate! Wait… not so fast. The Christian Bible also tells in the Gospel and Apostle Books that in ‘the end times’ that “dangerous times” will be here. Oh. That seems rather ominous. Yes, it is. As things change for America in 2021, things will probably get as bad as those of us in my generation of Gen-Xers have ever seen. Then again, it’s my generation that’s just now getting to the age where we are no longer that important to the majority of any group in our country. It’s pretty sad and very frustrating.

Most of us are grandparents now. I’m not, but my brother’s oldest daughter is, making me be a great-great aunt. In other words, Gen-X is OLD NOW. My best friend from high school is a grandma too. While I deal with my allergies and Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (MS), I don’t actually feel OLD. Do I feel sickly more often than I used to? Yes. Do I feel OLD? No! I published my second Fantasy novel and have five more named. I was getting ready to begin Book 3, SEEKING THE LIGHT, but I’m concerned that what I should be writing is more of this right now while I can.

The tightening of control over media outlets has already begun. I might not have my pages on Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, or even Live Journal at some point. I might lose my two websites that I post most content on all the time too. This is really BAD for more conservative-minded individuals. It is ALSO a complete misuse of power. This is NOT to cause anything with violence or demeaning of other individuals. This is to inform my fellow believers and those not yet believers of what is coming down the turnpike soon. I’m used to being FREE! This will be completely unacceptable!

Once total control happens then I don’t know how I will be able to keep in contact with people I know, family that are in different areas of the USA, or even the people around the world who listen to my music or read my books. THIS IS NOT OKAY. As it was for so many during the pandemic interfering with their interaction, this may begin interfering with my creative passion. Now if the powers that be try to quell me and then think they can make me follow their rules for the sake of rules, think again. They might end up with one of the Robert Wallaces of the 21st Century… FREEDOM!

I am very well aware that Wallace DIED for his freedom. I really don’t want to have to die, but if what they ask of me goes against my moral conscience or personal beliefs then I might have to at that point. I’m not going to be violent and will be as legal in my actions as I can for as long as I can. I just know that Americans will only let people abuse their trust and sensibilities to a certain point. I’m praying that government, media, and companies that are warning us that we won’t be as free as we were before will THINK before they DO anything against our country’s GIVEN RIGHTS to the people.

All of us who use multi-media to keep in touch with those we know and love might want to find other ways to do that beyond what media moguls allow. Old school ways to communicate might need to be re-learned. I’m a real webpage designer for private business so this hurts me to my core, but those days might come to an end as far as my right to write and post my opinions. This makes me angry. If I wasn’t a Christian it would make me react worse, and I have to rein in my emotions now still. I’m livid, and I can’t ignore it, but I can try my best to calm my actions from my reactions to it.

So what does all of this mean? I’m not really sure. In eschatological terms the Christians might be leaving sooner than expected in 2021 or later. In real-time terms the Christians could be leaving sooner than expected too. In world-view terms the Christians better leave sooner than they expected for our sakes. We don’t know exactly WHEN since ‘no man knows the day or the hour’ according to the Christian Bible, but we’re supposed to know the season. Do we? Do you? Many have preached for my almost forty-nine years that the Church would be crying out for Jesus to return. Are we?

IF we no longer have FREEDOM, will we cry out? IF we no longer can see our loved ones at all, will we cry out? IF we no longer can sing songs of praise to our Savior, will we cry out? IF we no longer can get food or medicine, will we cry out? IF we can no longer refuse to get documents in digital format or take vaccines that are questionable, will we cry out? IF we can no longer go between states without having government papers of travel, will we cry out? IF we can no longer work anywhere if a past moment of peaceful Free Speech is noted that we’re tagged with, will we cry out?

What are you willing to allow happen against OUR FREEDOM to make you finally cry out?

“The Attack on Freedom of Speech in 2021”

Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©01/17/21

There was a time in my older sister’s life before I was born when the issue of Freedom of Speech made people rise up against censorship and called those actions illegal according to the First Amendment. It led to varied stances for society, education, and personal liberty, and while it began to protect views against a party in power, it also held for all opposite views to be protected too. Now, certain media outlets are beginning to take accounts away from those with an opposing view to silence them. We must maintain Freedom of Speech for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS in 2021!

The First Amendment of the United States of America’s Constitution states that, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech; or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It has been understood that this amendment protects American citizens with the right to express views on any issue in open forums, and that the government can’t deprive you of that unless it’s classified and could danger our country’s safety.

There are many ideas, concepts, descriptions, or expletives that I will never support and try to stay away from as much as humanly possible; but I also support the right for those that support one or all of them to express or support any of them as long as not expressly illegal for them to do so since FREEDOM OF SPEECH is for every legal American. Is this troublesome to me at times? Yes. Will I still support this amendment even if I don’t agree with the content used by someone else that has a view opposite of mine? Yes. Why? Right or wrong, this is an important American Freedom!

As long as a person’s freedom doesn’t take away the freedom of another then it is what this country was founded upon in 1776 and upheld for over two hundred-forty-five years; but now different methods of speech are being limited by media outlets claiming the speech goes against stated rules for users. While private companies have that right, if they are working with government agents who DO have to follow the First Amendment, then their users’ First Amendment rights ARE being violated since the company is no longer ‘private’ in the way the other statutes require it to be for protection.

If the company rules are examined and the speech is blocked when it doesn’t obviously violate the rules listed for users, then that makes it become a form of suppression that has been used by other kinds of governments but NOT with a democratic republic such as ours. This is something this country has fought against since its creation. If it’s allowed then it will mean at least half of our country will no longer be allowed to have the same rights as those who will agree with the new political regime that will govern for four years. ALL AMERICANS SHOULD HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Will this op-ed change the minds of those who have actually been taught false government history that is against our democratic republic? I would say, “Probably not”. Mind-altering programming in education has taken away the rights of children to learn historical FACTS or more than one viewpoint for them to decide if they want history to repeat or not. Some things do have more than one side for a discussion, but others are not only globally true but also universally. Once Freedom of Speech is removed from a major dissenting group then those taking power make slaves out of all the others.

Mankind has always tried to exert personal power over others throughout history, but THIS IS NOT AMERICA! Humanity is flawed, and we have failed often, but our country’s founders tried to make America an example at that time of what FREEDOM should strive to be. While we have had our moments of leaders failing groups of people in the past, 2021 should not put us in any of those positions again! Rights as stated in our Constitution should be legislated as stated and not changed on the whim of a certain group with political bias that defeats our government system as a whole.

As a Protestant Christian I don’t want my faith to be persecuted or for those who share it to be silenced. I have friends who are Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, and Wiccan so I want their rights to be protected too. We should all have the right to declare our faith as Free Speech allows, compare differences if agreed upon by those in discussion, and not attack each other physically unless in defense. Any other issue should be peacefully debated by those with differing viewpoints. Generations since mine seem to have lost the ability to do any of this at all, and that’s sad and wrong.

I have two webpages that I am now concerned about losing simply because of my viewpoints, opinions, and faith; this is something I never thought I’d face in my lifetime. I have family and friends who are on the opposite side of politics and religion, but I want their rights to be kept free as much as I want my own to be. THAT is a democratic republic. Now if I’m right about my Christian faith and Jesus Christ returns to rule from Jerusalem after the Great Tribulation, then I’ll embrace HIS Theocracy since it will be by our Creator and my Savior. Until then, a democratic republic is my choice.

Facebook, Linked-In, and even LiveJournal may not allow my opinion editorials to be shared on their platforms, but I’m hoping that they and the website hosts will NOT try to silence differing opinions simply for the sake of power. I don’t seek power but want equal justice for ALL Americans regardless of race, color, creed, religion, or gender. THAT’S the American way I was raised on, and I want to have the FREEDOM to share what I know with whomever I wish if they are willing to read or listen. What they do after that is up to them. I WANT FREEDOM OF SPEECH PROTECTED!