Tag Archives: MarriageSupperLamb

“Rosh Hashanah 2021 Day 1 Done But No Christian Rapture” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/07/2021

After sundown on 09/06/2021 and Christians are still here, but we have until 09/08/2021 for Rapture during Rosh Hashanah if it happens in 2021. While I still question whether or not that could happen, I’m still WATCHING. I WATCH every day even when it’s not Rosh Hashanah. When the last human soul to be saved during this Grace Dispensation now then Jesus Christ will appear in the clouds as the trumpet sounds AND EVERY CHRISTIAN WILL BE EVACUATED BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS! This is not to scare you. This is to INFORM you for understanding.

This has been preached ever since Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead after dying on the Cross for humanity’s sins to restore every person who will believe to have a relationship with God Almighty the Creator of the universe through the perfect sinless blood shed for ALL on Calvary. While it hasn’t happened yet that doesn’t mean that it won’t. Christian Holy Bible prophesies had not been fulfilled yet before, BUT in 2021 some seem to have happened already. Even so, the closer we get to seeing countries that were part of the original Babylonian Empire coming together the sooner we leave.

I’m not brainwashed, ignorant, un-socialized, or part of a cult group. I’m a Born-Again Spirit-Filled Full-Gospel Nondenominational Christian who has studied the Christian Holy Bible for the past forty years of my life. I have also read Verified History and Biblical Commentaries concerning what is known as ‘End Times’, ‘Last Days’ or ‘Jacob’s Trouble’. I don’t have a blasted degree, but for goodness’ sake, I got scholarships and grants to take Computer Science for my great grades in High School. I make this point since people have an idiotic view that Christians are stupid people. I AM NOT.

Could the Christian Rapture happen between now and sundown 09/08 – sure! Could the Christian Rapture happen after Rosh Hashanah 2021 is over – sure! Could the Christian Rapture happen AT ANY TIME from now until most of us are already dead – sure! As an intellectual learner I still don’t claim to have all of the answers or set calendar for Christian Rapture. Since the apostles during the time of Christ on Earth, we are supposed to WATCH and PRAY until we do SEE certain things happen to make us AWARE. If we don’t leave tomorrow then we MUST try to have a Christian Revival!

As tired as I am my RMS is still in remission so I want to share my Faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation in the Son with EVERY SINGLE PERSON I CAN. I know HE LIVES because HE LIVES in my heart. I received a spiritual blood transfusion from Calvary’s Cross from Jesus Christ by Faith, so I want others to know His Freedom, His Mercy, His Grace, and His Love. As much as I love my family, there is NO ONE else who has loved me the way my Savior has. I’m PROOF that what the Holy Bible says is the TRUTH, NOW AND FOREVER MORE!

Jesus Christ will take us to Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ where believers will be given Gifts for their service and then the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be celebrated. I want ALL who will believe to share in this with me. AFTER the Great Tribulation and Battle of Armageddon then the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ will begin with Him on His throne in Israel like King David to be perfection completed. No matter what you have done, where you are from, or what religion you have been part of before, I want you to know that JESUS WANTS YOU! You are precious.

Each individual soul is unlike any other. Each person is a singularity that can’t be replaced. YOU might be the one person who can reach the last person to be saved before Jesus Christ returns. We ALL should study the Holy Bible, question the current teachings and historical proof, and WATCH what is happening HERE. Wherever you are right now, something needs to be done to share Jesus Christ with someone else. No one knows everything, but you can share what you do know and lead others to know Christ as Savior before He returns. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow…