Tag Archives: Democracy


By Tonja Condray Klein – 11/01/20

As I watch what’s happening in America 2020, I must not keep my voice silent or fingers idle! We’re facing a possibility of seeing the complete totalitarian over-throw of our Founded Constitutional Democracy. WE MUST VOTE OUR FAITH on 11/03/20! Support all of the candidates that stand for protecting our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS, our GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS, and our ability to use FREEDOM OF SPEECH online or in public! I will NOT be silenced. I will NOT stop sharing views. I will NOT let anyone keep me from utilizing my abilities with the written and spoken words that are all mandatory for my calling as a Singer/Songwriter/Novelist/Blogger in this crucial voting time!

NO ONE should be allowed to take away my rights to share my views, my support, or even my disagreement. WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS! I may not agree with you, but so help me God I have the right to say why online or publicly. YOU TOO! I’m calling on all of those who share my beliefs or at least the foundation of our country to VOTE YOUR FAITH or FREEDOM! Anyone who is for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness should see themselves as ‘Watchmen on the Walls’. This concept is from the Old Testament in the Christian Bible in the days of Israel centuries before our country began. Being a watchman means we MUST NOT let others succeed taking over our country’s political system!

The watchmen have to stand on the wall, watch for invaders trying to infiltrate for purposes of destruction of present government, and fight them with the weapons they had. We must FIGHT WITH OUR VOTE! I don’t want violence, whether social, psychological, or even physical during this election. I want people to THINK about what is important, VOTE for those who will try to keep us safe, and PRAY for those who are against our government’s foundation to have moments of clarity by spiritual means we need to employ immediately. Be KIND to those we meet but protect yourself, stay STEADFAST with your values in spite of hate, and LOVE enemies in the midst of contention.

THIS IS NOT EASY! I have a temper like Mt. Saint Helen, but I will do all I can to utilize my decades of Customer Service skills during this time. I may hand out cards for my two Fantasy novels as witness to someone who desperately needs Christ as well as great stories of action and adventure. We must find ways to distract from the political anger that seems to be seeping into every single group. It isn’t God Almighty’s will that we fail to be His representatives here on Earth until Jesus Christ returns. That may happen sooner than any of us can imagine, but we need to VOTE to keep this county as the Constitutional Democracy that it must remain for as long as we are still here to share the Gospel!

Even if you don’t share my faith I want you to be free to live your life with the FREEDOMS this country founded and has endured since after the Revolutionary War. There is NO country in this world without failures of certain groups in dark times, but the foundations of THIS FREE COUNTRY needs to be upheld and protected by the constituents AT ALL COST. Our flag bleeds red from the many soldiers who have defended it, white for the righteous concept that ALL men and women were created equal, and blue is for vigilance and justice in keeping this country FREE. We must NEVER forget what good we Americans have done over the years, and we must learn from our mistakes. VOTE for that chance!

We have today and two more days before we cast our ballots if you haven’t already. I’m asking all of you, regardless of race, gender, color, creed, or religion to VOTE for those that want to make life in America to be the land of promise and opportunities that the colonists and immigrants saw it as all those years ago. We MUST have law and order. We MUST keep our rights to worship together. We MUST see others get the chance to legally join our nation. These are ALL necessary to keep this nation as a whole fulfilled country that leads the way to prosperity, shines its light of freedom around the world, and lets its countlessly different citizens continue to strive for the future and show how FREEDOM reigns!