“Simon Peter’s Three Denials of Jesus Christ” – Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/31/2024

We all have our “Peter” moments, don’t we? Let’s be honest. As we approach the day of celebrating the day we are remembering the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we really should be examining ourselves and rededicating our lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ more now than ever before. This world is crazy in 2024, and we’re seeing things even worse than those written about happening in the Christian Holy Bible from ancient times before and at the time of Jesus Christ on Earth. Because of that, I can’t help but think about Simon Peter and the time right before the death of Jesus as spoken of in the Word of God Almighty and shown in movies now like THE BIBLE on History Channel this morning, Easter Sunday 2024. That version is emotionally affecting with its visual of what did happen to Jesus Christ long ago.

Simon Peter had been so strong to support his Savior, but even he had his moments of failure. I’ve always wished to be more like John the Revelator and believe more like Paul the Apostle with his writings, but when it comes to my own stupid lack of anger management I act more like Simon Peter more than the other two. I lose my temper over the stupidest situations and things, and even though I realize my idiocy it’s not before I react in ways I’m ashamed of in moments after. Can you imagine how Simon Peter felt as he watched all that happened to Jesus Christ during Holy Week after betrayal? I know how I feel each time I overreact or say something I regret, but Simon Peter actually claimed to not know Jesus at all. Well, isn’t that almost the same thing when we let our sin natures override the Grace that Jesus Christ bled for us to have?

That IS what I’m trying to point out on this Resurrection Day of Jesus Christ observed today in 2024. There is the reason EVERY SINGLE PERSON NEEDS JESUS CHRIST FOR SALVATION! We can’t do it ourselves no matter how hard we try every single day. Without the Grace given by the blood of Jesus Christ, no matter how much our hearts belong to Him, we can’t keep the sin nature from overwhelming our best intentions to show Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Grace that Jesus Christ wants to give to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO WILL BELIEVE. No matter where you are from, what you have done, or how much you think you are not worthy enough to receive what He wants to give, He is the One Who already decided that on the Cross so you only have to SEEK HIM. ASK HIM. LET HIM. It’s that simple.

I watched the scene in that movie where Jesus was on the Cross and died FOR ME. He died for ALL OF US, but I MUST make it PERSONAL by accepting HIM as MY SAVIOR. Even when I fail Him, He still reminds me in ways most people would say He’d NEVER use. Well, I can only tell of my experiences PERSONALLY. I will stand before Him for MYSELF someday, so if I’m wrong about anything then I’ll find out at the judgment seat of Christ. What I know for sure is that HE WILL ACCEPT THE LEAST WORTHY before He would accept those that are only religious without the true Spirit of the Law filling them with the NEW WINE. I’m unworthy, but He still chose me to share with any who will read, listen, and pray to receive Him as Savior, Lord, King, and Son of God Almighty of Creation. Believe in Him to be saved!

“Father God of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that He is the Son of God Who came as Your Son born from a virgin to die on the Cross for my sins. Jesus Christ rose again from the dead by the Power of God Almighty, was seen by witnesses alive before He went back to Heaven to pray for us until He comes back to retrieve all of His people to take to safety before Great Tribulation begins on Earth. I ask for Your forgiveness for all of my failures, and I will try to complete whatever You call me to do in these last days. I might fail you, but I will do my best to be what You are calling me to become. Send me to those who need You. Protect me from those who would harm me. Give me the Gifts of Your Holy Spirit to show YOUR POWER so they will find their way to You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

Read the Christian Holy Bible, pray as often as you can, find a Bible-teaching church, and let the Lord lead you to your personal field of Harvest that each has even if some refuse to go. I prefer the King James Version for personal study, but the New Living Translation is amazing to use for comparison and better understanding. I have notes for many prayers, sermons given by others, and basic teachings on my website: https://www.tribulationhelp.com. I have times when I am so weak that I can’t do the things I wish I could, but until my dying breath I will try to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all I can during the time we have left. I don’t know how long that will be, but I will try to live more like John in how I react, more like Paul in how I teach, and more like Jesus in how I love others. Jesus Christ is Messiah to Israel and Savior to all!