“The Wheels of the Bus Don’t Go Round Now…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©10/17/2023

A satanic group has been pulling young people into doing horrible sex acts and even suicide. A teenager threw a chair at a teacher in class. A school’s buses that run on electric can’t run at all. What do all of these things really have in common? AMERICA IS FALLING APART! As I see all of this happening, I can’t help but think, “Where IS the Church of Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of this craziness?” Do any of you know? There is a role call failure and few seem to care about it. While I shake my head and wish Revival would begin so we could get out of here by Rapture, looking around I wonder if MORE than a few are hiding and refusing to see what’s going on in reality just to stay in this world as it is for as long as they can since they are COMFORTABLE. Christians are to LOVE PEOPLE NOT THE WORLD ITSELF.

After the terrorists attack on Israel began days ago, the students in various so-called ‘universities’ have lost their blasted minds! It wasn’t but a month ago that we remembered 9/11, so how in the world could ANYONE be for terrorists so soon after watching the REAL LIFE atrocity footage that showed what happened in AMERICA in 2001? I do support Freedom of Speech, but ALL STUDENTS need to be taught FACTS instead of the brainwashing of LIES! I lived during 9-11, and even though I didn’t lose anyone in the Twin Towers my heart still breaks for ALL of those who did! How low has America fallen? How crazy will parents let their kids become from ignorance, brainwashing, and absolute disconnect from REALITY and ACTUAL HISTORY? PROOF has been shown, but the protestors won’t acknowledge FACTS!

I don’t have children but I helped raise my brother’s kids, their kids, and now the third generation of kids. I’m VERY concerned about what the latest generation is being taught right now. In addition to that, seeing what students in college are willing to support like terrorists makes me infuriated; not only at teachers, unions, and politicians, but those that claim to be ‘Christians’ in 2023. I’ve asked so many times in my Op-Ed’s, “WHERE ARE YOU?” Are you scared and hiding? Or are you actually joining in with those going against what the Bible actually says just to be ‘safe’ or for some measure of status? Last time I checked Christians are to be ‘set apart’ from the world and always stand for Israel! Reactions I’ve been seeing are absolutely appalling and blatantly anti-Christian in content within our own country.

This is dangerous for every person who claims to be a Christian (saved by believing in Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ as your Savior), but if you follow a bunch of ‘leaders’ that speak ill of Israel and Jewish Americans then you are also disgracing the ancestry of Jesus Christ. Was Jesus Christ upset with Jewish leaders of His time? Yes, He was. Did Jesus have reasons to be? Yes, several. Does that mean Christians are supposed to now hate Israel? NO, IT DOES NOT! Jesus Christ FULFILLED THE LAW of Judaism, creating the NEW COVENANT for ALL people. Christians and Jews serve the same God Almighty of Creation. Jesus Christ IS the Jewish Messiah as well as the Christian Savior, including the Jewish nation of Israel and every practicer of every other religion in the world if they choose Faith in Jesus Christ.

My issue with what is happening today is the tactical, measured, and ongoing degeneration of History, Science, and Religion to create a completely false narrative and understanding of our collective pasts. THEY ARE LYING! This is why I’m ALWAYS reading as much as I can while I can. Those in academic power are trying to ‘REWRITE’ everything! As parents, grandparents, or family of any sort, we each need to be AWARE of what is happening and try to be advocates for real education before this latest generation is ‘programmed’ to accept anything those in power try to force them to see as real when it is nothing close to reality at all. THIS IS FRIGHTENING. I read George Orwell’s 1984 again this year and was astounded and abhorred by how close to what happened in book is happening in America NOW. It’s simply horrid.

I KNOW what I was taught in school from 1977-1990 in the Northridge School District in Dayton, Ohio. I might not remember every single thing, but when I saw varying facts being taught in schools from when I helped my niece and then her children, I realized that this degeneration had been going on for decades. When Christians got angry with higher academia over Evolution and retreated from education, we did the worst disservice to all of our descendants. We let the devil take over, and we didn’t even seem to notice then and don’t even acknowledge it now. At least Jewish and Catholic religious orders kept manuscripts that gave us some additional historical and religious backgrounds that helped to keep false claims from being accepted for centuries, but in the past decades people began accepting everything against them.

Rewriting History is straight from the novel 1984. It is one of the reasons why all of the governmental groups that seek socialism, communism, authoritarianism, or even theocracy seek to use that tactic along with destroying anything to show historical facts like statues, books, art, religious liberties, and anything that goes against what they are going to do to rewrite what happened. The next generation will accept it without knowing what they had lost or how their ancestors had lived or believed. THIS IS DANGEROUS. While I agree with rating of books to show what age they are appropriate, I am NOT for banning books simply because I don’t agree with the content. While some groups have freaked out over the years about how books, games, or movies are evil and just needed destroyed, I think we need to try explaining WHY FIRST.

The Nazis burned books, but some religious groups more recently did too. I don’t support children reading books that would destroy their innocence, but I also don’t agree with treating knowledge as evil if you don’t know how it relates to the Bible and reality. People judge things before they even know what things really are just like they do people. “Judge not lest ye be judged,” apparently wasn’t taught in many churches over the centuries, or at least wasn’t followed correctly. You get overly religious or overly worldly and Christianity loses what it’s really meant to be to become prison instead of Salvation. Christian believers need BALANCE. Love people but hate sin. Reach out to everyone but refuse to follow the false teachings. Paul told Timothy to study to show himself approved. ALL Christians need to try to STUDY MORE!

War in Ukraine and now in Israel really does seem to be part of the Biblical ‘end times’ prophecies about wars and rumors of wars. The shifting of political powers and alignments really should cause anyone who has read prophetic scriptures to question where we currently are right now in the timeline. Many in younger generations after Gen-X don’t even have the facts of history that include World War II, so how can adults expect younger family members to KNOW why the United States of America needs to stand against terrorism, let alone KNOW anything about what the Christian Holy Bibles says is going to happen with Israel BEFORE Christians are supernaturally rescued BEFORE the first of 21 judgements from God Almighty the Creator rains down on the entire world AS the anti-Christ leader comes to power.

Unfortunately, this might be the last time that America will stand with Israel once the Christians are taken away. The current situations SHOULD be WAKING those CHRISTIANS who have been ASLEEP FOR TOO LONG! We’re supposed to have already had a Real REVIVAL BEFORE all of these things had begun, but how much of the ‘so-called’ church is really part of the TRUE CHURCH and how much is really part of the FALSE CHURCH? Everyone who calls yourself a Christian NEEDS to ASK yourself WHICH AM I? Jesus knows I try to make sure I remain with the TRUE. It can be easy to lie to yourself, though, which is why the Holy Bible told us to look at the kind of fruit has come from the works we have done for Christ. I can only hope mine will show souls being saved, delivered, healed, and encouraged!

I haven’t always done what was right, and I’ve done a lot of what was wrong, but Jesus knows my heart and soul has and still belongs to HIM. I might not always write or say things that are as anointed or inspiring as I hope, but Jesus knows ME. I’m not perfect but I belong to HIM. No matter whom you are or what you have done, JESUS CHRIST CAN SAVE YOU! It’s not religious tripe; it’s an actual understanding that you have sinned, Jesus died in your place, and by believing He did it for you and letting Jesus begin to change your life, you will be saved from eternal damnation in actual Hell. Hell is not going to a party. Hell is going to be eternal anguish, not only from torment but from being completely cut off from the God of Creation forever. You might think this isn’t true and you will be fine without Jesus. You are wrong.

God Almighty of Creation sent Jesus Christ to DIE FOR YOU because He saw you BEFORE you were ever born. He knew the moment that you would realize you need Jesus, and He allowed all of the circumstances to happen to bring a need for Christ become the most important thing you need at that moment. It might be now. Please don’t let Satan, former angel Lucifer who is now fallen and hates humanity in general, make you doubt that Jesus Christ didn’t see a split second of you while He was on the Cross of Calvary. I believe that, and I hope you will allow Him to PROVE IT TO YOU. All you must do to begin the greatest change in your life is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, King, and the Son of the God of Creation. HE LOVES YOU. He wants you so much that He had me to write this right now for you. Pray:

“Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus is Your Only Son who was born without sin, died a sinless life, shed His blood for my sin on the Cross of Calvary, died and was buried, rose again three days later, and ascended back to Heaven to pray for me until He comes to take me to safety in Heaven. I believe, Lord, so fill my heart with Your Spirit to reconnect me to You as Your reclaimed child. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ and will let You begin to change my life to share You with others. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!” If you prayed this, then YOU ARE NOW SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! Read the Holy Bible online at https://www.blueletterbible.org/ . I suggest Romans Chapter 8 to begin. Love & Prayers! ~TK~