“A ‘Just Rip Off The Roof’ Revival in 2023!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/07/2023

The Revivals happening in Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee at the universities in 2023 have led me to be hopeful for a wildfire Revival to sweep all over America and around the world soon. Since it’s a younger generation that is taking up this mantel of Faith, we older generations like Gen-X need to be seeing it as the Grace of God to us since we FAILED to lead to this in our time because we lost our passion in light of how some churches let its leaders hurt regular members, older church members dismiss younger ones for a simple difference of style instead of loss of message, and giving into a lie of convenience leading to using catch phrases, less absolutes, and more secular ‘entertainment’ instead of music filled with the Holy Spirit fire that changes any soul that accepts and believes to be changed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

“Just Rip off the Roof” is my latest song that was inspired by these revivals happening! It hit me how the church has changed to the point of there no longer seeming to be many believers in Jesus Christ who would be like the friends of that man with palsy who did what my song title says to get him to Jesus for healing. How many reading this would? Does anyone know a single person they’d climb on top of a house, ply off boards, and lower a stretcher with a person to see the Only One who could help? My point is that we SHOULD be those true friends! Each believer is said to be His salt of the Earth and His disciples! When did Soul Salvation cease to be the priority to see as many souls saved as possible? Look at someone this day and ask yourself if you care if they go to Hell. What if you could help them to go Heaven instead?

I know many people don’t have the abilities, resources, or talents to do certain things, but it seems like a majority of those that claim to be Christian in 2023 don’t really care whether or not someone dies and goes to Hell. If they do then they will help as long as they won’t be inconvenienced. Inconvenienced? After being striped for our healing, spit on, and nailed to the wooden Cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ bled and died to redeem each human soul willing to accept Him as a personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty of Creation! What can WE do that is MORE inconvenient than that? I’m not saying there aren’t people who already do all they can for Jesus. I’m saying many won’t do ANYTHING to take them outside of their comfortable, safe, and acceptable zone for ANY soul. Who would you leave your safe zone to see saved?

Christianity isn’t just a stodgy lifeless religion. REAL Christianity is a soul-saving, Spirit-filled, life-invigorating relationship with Jesus Christ as a PERSONAL SAVIOR. Each human born has a sin-damaged soul since Adam and Eve fell from Grace in the Garden of Eden. The ONLY Salvation is by accepting that Jesus Christ did what the Law of Moses never could – He died in each soul’s place on Calvary! By Grace through Faith each soul is saved from eternal damnation. This is the reality of this world that those who don’t want to be held accountable for their sin and want to just enjoy them don’t want you to understand to let Jesus Christ SAVE your soul and CHANGE your life since that makes them aware of their own loss and then blinded by sin and Satan, (fallen angel Lucifer), who wants to claim human souls to punish God.

This has been an ongoing spiritual war since the fall of Lucifer and then the fall of humanity. ABSOLUTES ARE REAL in this existence. No matter what academia says, each person must make the choice to accept Jesus Christ as Savior personally so that soul will be saved and restored to kinship as a son or daughter to God the Father and also joint-heir with Jesus Christ the Son of God the Father through Mary as human. This had to be done this way so the blood of Jesus Christ would be PURE by His Father’s blood that divinely joined the egg of Mary to become Jesus Christ born fully human and fully God to die for humanity’s sins to redeem each, rise again to restore each as prophesied, and return as King of Glory to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem after every soul to be saved has been AFTER the Great Tribulation happens here.

The ‘Rapture of the Church’ is when each and every person who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior is supernaturally taken away from Earth for safety (before the Great Tribulation if you believe Pre-Trib teachings as I do). I’m hoping and praying that these revivals happening now are part of the last Great Revival we need. Prophecies in the Judaic Torah and Christian Old and New Testaments seem to have been fulfilled more recently, so it might be down to only two left now is for the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and the last Jewish person to return to Israel before the Rapture. Both could happen at any time, and though some think it will be on Rosh Hashanah, it might happen sooner. Time is running out to reach those we can during the time we have left, and THIS IS FOR ETERNAL LIFE OR ETERNAL DEATH!

I’m a Christian Speculative Fantasy Author, but this is NOT fiction. Each soul has a choice to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but if that person refuses it will mean eternity in Hell along with Satan (fallen Lucifer), his demons, and the lost souls who possibly will be separated from each other but definitely from God Almighty for Eternity, so no parties in Hell. Each person has a destiny once they accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but those who refuse the Gift of Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for humanity will have a fate of darkness and torture. This is NOT my opinion but the sacred writings handed down throughout history. I’ve studied Ancestry, Archaeology, History, Literature, and various Sciences, but even if some in each dispute Christianity, I have seen the proof of my Faith in each topic and every discipline to this date.

Do I have a degree in any of those? No, but I do have a Certificate in Webpage Development. Do I still believe in my own research and study? Yes, since I’ve been learning for forty-two of my fifty years about it and haven’t found proof disputing my beliefs. How can I say that? God’s Holy Bible told humanity to question and study to show them approved, and I want to be found faithful and knowledgeable to support my stance in it all. I’ve studied religions concerning all their differences and similarities, but Christianity is the ONLY ONE that has God Almighty the Creator sacrifice Himself for believers that offers a restoration through FAITH alone. The Cruise Family sung, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” It is Spiritual and Supernatural beyond human capacity for understanding often.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eight years old in 1980. I have been blessed to be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Other Tongues and Interpretation since I was thirteen years old in 1985. I’ve written songs, poems, and books over the years, and sung in various churches since I was eleven years old. I mess up each day, pray with every opportunity, sing whenever I can, and share my love of Jesus Christ as often as possible. I’m not any preacher, but I am a layperson who knows the teachings of the Word and tries to live by them as much as I possibly can. I fail. I forget. I sin. I repent. I cry. I laugh. I mourn. I rejoice. I’m a sinner saved by Grace, and it’s ONLY by the GRACE of Jesus Christ in His Blood that I can claim any kinship to my Creator. I’m a passionate but sometimes willful daughter.

I’m calling for any and all who know Jesus Christ as Personal Savior and anyone who will accept Him to seek His Holy Spirit to empower you to reach every soul you can while there is still time to do it. We might have a couple to a few more years, but then again we might not, and I don’t want to miss reaching anyone who I’m supposed to share this Truth of Creation and Salvation who will see the Light of Jesus Christ by the anointing of His Holy Spirit that sings through in these words everywhere they can be read. I’m pleading with you to seek Jesus and KNOW HIM. Though I have times too often when I whine as I pray and ask questions I don’t understand reasons for why they happen, I STILL BELIEVE IN HIM. I hate having to state this, but I agree with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” I will at least try…

Lyrics for “Just Rip off the Roof” by Tonja Condray Klein©02/17/2023

“Verse 1: When your life’s too hard to take, Your back’s against the wall, And you try to just get by, But nothing works at all, You might cry and yell and scream, Cause no one seems to care, You might seek help at a church, But God seems far from there, People say they know your pain, As they block your road, When you need to see Jesus, A new path needs to flow

Chorus: With true friends and some tools, You can seek the Way, Past the chaos and the fears, To where Jesus waits, People fail and systems fall, But you know the truth, When you can’t get through the door, Just rip off the roof!

Verse 2: Desperate times can change hearts, If you just believe, Even when it seems so dark, And your future’s bleak, Jesus wants you to get through, Any board or wall, Even if your faith is weak, His Love conquers all, Being lowered from a roof, Might not seem that smart, But when Jesus is your goal, He will do His part

Chorus: With true friends and some tools, You can seek the Way, Past the chaos and the fears, To where Jesus waits, People fail and systems fall, But you know the Truth, When you can’t get through the door, Just rip off the roof!

Coda: People fail and systems fall, But you know the Truth, When you can’t get through the door, To what Salvation is for, Healing, freedom, so much more… Just rip off the roof!”