By Tonja Condray Klein – 10/28/20

I’ve been watching Christmas Romance movies and reading my favorite Historical Romance Novel series for the past couple of weeks to unwind after dealing with more than one illness that I, my husband, and my mother had that was weeks of suffering, fear, prayers, and then recovery. While I love so many of these movies and books that fill my heart with joy and hope in the midst of trials, I want to continue writing my own novels and songs to try to reach the world with the truth of Christ while I still can. The feeling and actual manifestations of censorship are guiding me to share the creations the Lord has inspired in me before we lose all of our Constitutional rights. AMERICANS MUST WAKE UP!

I’m seeing the disintegration of my country’s foundation in November 2020. Families are fighting against each other for diverse views, communities are turning on each other, and every single good thing this country has been known to protect for as long as I’ve been alive for the past forty-eight years is being attacked and even torn apart by those wanting to rewrite our real history, destroy this democratic republic to its core, and put our country under their totalitarian control while many people turn their blinded eyes away and accept it like sheep to the slaughter. When did Americans, the land of the free and the home of the brave, begin letting this happen? Where are the protectors of our way of life and liberty? WHERE!

Christian church members haven’t been able to assemble for services for months due to the global pandemic of Covid-19. We haven’t been allowed to be together as a group in like mind and one accord as the Bible stated we need to be in these times like the Apostles were in Acts. Could that happen if we were allowed to now? Those claiming to be Christian must remember that as prophecies are fulfilled we should be sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world to trigger the last great revival with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit showing that by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on Calvary is the one and ONLY way for each and every immortal soul to be rescued from an eternity in Hell and be SAVED!

Salvation happens when we accept the blood given and are restored to right-standing with God Almighty, the three in one as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – like we have a body, a soul, and a spirit created by the One True Living God of creation. Humanity has a blood taint from sin that happened in the Garden of Eden, and the shedding of blood is the only way for God to forgive sins we ALL commit in the sinful flesh we are born with through heredity. Jesus Christ came to be that blood offering for us to accept for our eternal atonement, the Holy Spirit being returned to our sin-deadened spirits, and the final restoration of body when the last person finds Salvation through Christ to begin THE RAPTURE!

We have so much technology now that there is no excuse for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to not be shared over every single media possible on this earth! What is the Church doing? There are a few who are still using radio, internet, and other media to preach even if we can’t meet, BUT NOT MANY. Where is your FIRE, true believers in Jesus Christ? Do you have real oil for your lamp of witnessing to the world? Do you think this is all a fairy tale that will never happen? Really? I understand that some misused forms of religion for profit and with fear of destruction. THE REALITY OF JESUS CHRIST RETURNING IN MY LIFE TIME IS A REAL POSSIBILITY! Technology, science, and politics fit these prophecies more.

Look at the actual signs happening every day. Look at the major changing of the other countries’ associations that were unthinkable even five years ago. This fits with the parameters spoken of in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelations up to a certain point that can CHANGE in the blink of an eye at a single moment when things shift the last bit needed. That shift will then kick off the final ‘blink of an eye’ that relates to disappearances of millions to billions of people that is an evacuation for Christ Believers off of this planet BEFORE the Great Tribulation occurs with major judgments from God Almighty, Creator of this entire universe of three dimensional time and any other dimensional realms, including Heaven and Satan’s Hell.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and Salvation through His blood then what are you doing in 2020? We have no time to waste. I might be labeled as crazy or a fear-mongering zealot, but the truth is the truth and let every man be a liar who goes against what is right in front of our own eyes! WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR CHRIST!? Hiding? Whispering encouragement over cellphones? Trying to stifle any panic you feel when you see the truth by ignoring the need for oil instead? COME ON, PEOPLE! Jesus Christ died on a cross for YOU, and most of the apostles then and over the years died martyr deaths too, so are you too spineless to stand up to “Roman soldiers” that are now totalitarian would-be rulers trying to steal OUR AMERICA!? GOD OF ELIJAH, SEND YOUR FIRE INSIDE YOUR PEOPLE NOW!!!

WE MUST HAVE A REVIVAL! Not some namby-pamby, we’re okay and you’re okay message to placate the ones burning, looting, and killing. NO! We need a Holy Ghost filled REVIVAL! Do YOU know Jesus Christ as your LORD, SAVIOR, GOD, and the KING OF HEAVEN? DO YOU!? Have you forgotten what your own ancestors did to protect this country in the past regardless of race, color, creed, background, origin, or even denomination? Are you going to let politics, affiliations, or social rankings keep you from doing what God Almighty is telling you to do RIGHT NOW? The Lord knows I’ve been failing to do all that I know I was supposed to be doing, but I won’t give up. I’LL JUST DO IT NOW!

Maybe the LAST GREAT REVIVAL isn’t going to happen in a church building. Maybe it will have to be through technology if someone is brave and inspired enough to send out the REAL GOSPEL MESSAGE. Once the last soul to be saved in the Grace Dispensation Period then the dead in Christ will rise and the Holy Spirit will transform those who are alive into their restored bodies of promise so we’ll be rescued out of this world before the Great Tribulation begins. Is it possible we’ll still be here for the first three and a half years of the first judgments in Revelations? Maybe. From my reading and my own understanding I believe we will be taken away BEFORE the first seal is broken. Know Jesus first!

Until the last few pieces of the puzzle of prophecy are placed we need to make sure we stand to protect this democratic-republic and refuse to let it be taken over by the SAME corrupt systems of false forms of government we have been fighting since the birth of our nation! Don’t let slick-talking perfect-world claiming fools blind you into voting for what is completely AGAINST real life. We can’t let them take down this country. We were created to be a stronghold of freedom’s light to the world, so we must NOT let our enemies take away our purpose for being here in the first place! While we vote our Faith we need to begin LIVING IT TOO! Anyone can be saved. Anyone can be changed. ANYONE CAN BE!

That is a small but powerful word. IF can make a mountain crumble. IF can part a sea. IF can give a ruler more life. IF can make a lame man walk and a blind man see. IF. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” If. That’s an important promise but also a binding contract. IF. We have to DO SOMETHING. We can’t sit on our pews and expect some other group to do what we were called to do. We can’t be quiet when we are the ones supposed to be crying out to God. We can’t complain when we don’t try to stop the evil.

Read the Christian Bible. Listen to Christian songs of Faith to give you strength and conviction like “God of Elijah” by Disciple, “Revival in the Land” by Carmen, and “God Is God” by Lance Palmer with R. W. Schambach. Reach out to everyone you can by using any media possible to lift up the weary believers and encourage the unsaved to find Salvation in Christ. This isn’t to scare people but to instruct and enlighten them with the Truth found ONLY in Jesus Christ. There is no other way to find the Peace that passes understanding, and right now in 2020, peace is an uncommon commodity unless you know that you know that you know… JESUS!

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Seek Him and everything else will fall into place. ~TK~